Whoever controls the food controls the people

1 year ago

"Whoever controls the food controls the people.“
The realization of this quote by Henry Kissinger is taking place before our eyes.
Yet it is barely noticed by the majority of humanity. Globalists are actively taking hold of the food supply and introducing a new food system to control the world's supply with foodstuffs.
The system is increasingly made functional through genetic manipulation and digitalization, so that humanity can be identified by means of a digital identification number, the so-called ID, with which every person and all things can be identified.
In July 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published its "New Era of Smart Food Safety".
The tracking of every single food item, every expenditure and consumer behaviour by means of technology-based
Food systems are thus made possible.
Partial victories have already been achieved, as can be seen with the
digital vaccination certificate. At this point, it must be permissible to assume that in order to complete the desired food system, people will eventually be urged to having a chip implanted.
For switching to installed biometric data in the body finally makes everything easier, more convenient and also more controllable.

How will the planned food control and supply be implemented?

1. Stock-breeders and farmers have been harassed for decades by unrealistic restrictions, regulations and controls.
As a result, many farmers can no longer keep their heads above water and have to sell their land. In USA already 35.2 million hectares of farmland have been sold to foreign and domestic investors. One of the investors is once again Bill Gates, who bought up hundreds of thousands of hectares of farmland. As fast as Gates bought up farmland money flowed into the new future of food - urban vertical indoor farming, to which, according to Gates, everyone will eventually turn.

What is meant by vertical indoor farming?

2. Indoor Vertical Farming specializes in the production of plants in multi-layered, vertically arranged cultivation systems in a closed building structure, such as giant containers, warehouses, etc. The necessary light energy for plant growth is provided by artificial lighting systems such as LED modules.
Whether it is temperature or humidity or exposure time and intensity, the light spectrum and irrigation, all of this can be specifically adjusted by control. Sensors and camera systems control growth and plant development in real time.The farms are collaborating with universities on genetic modification of seeds and food. For example, a plant-based mRNA vaccine is being developed in the hope of raising edible heads of lettuce for the Covid19 vaccine.

Immense amounts of money are being pumped into this project. In the USA alone, it was already 5.5 billion dollars in 2020, which is to extend to 20 billion dollars by 2026.Two of the world's largest seed suppliers, Bayer and BASF, are both involved in the vertical farming industry. Bill Gates, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and the World Bank control 10% of the world's germplasm [plasma of germ cells containing all the genetic material]. This is where Kissinger's assertion comes back into play: "He who controls the seeds controls the food, and he who controls the food ..." is able to use digital ID to control consumer access to food.
To make the monopolization of the food law plausible, Gates now blames climate change, as his prophecy makes clear: "Droughts and climate change will destroy our ability to farm!"

Speaking of destroying and prophesying:

3. The obvious thing to do here is to look at seemingly mysterious events in the recent past. Since the beginning of 2022, in Arizona, California, Texas, Washington, and many other states, more than a dozen major food processing and fertilizer plants have gone up in flames, exploded or been hit by a plane crash. Furthermore, in February 2022, a fire broke out at a fertilizer plant in Winston-Salem, burning several hundred tonnes of ammonium nitrate - at a time when farmers were already worried about their fertilizers due to supply chain disruptions and inflation. These mysterious incidents and fires are extremely worrying, for do they not obviously encourage the realization of globalists' preconceived plans and Gates' prophecy?

These incidents need to be scrutinized urgently.The new controlled food system is already in place and it seems that no limits are accepted to extend the planned control over the global food supply.

The USDA [United States Department of Agriculture] and the FDA [US Food and Drug Administration] have already approved genetically modified cattle and meat from the laboratory. Likewise, they fund cellular agriculture research and development, indoor breeders and genetics companies. At the same time, these agencies are successively relaxing regulations on genetically engineered products.
The fact is that drastic
measures have already been taken to build a revolutionary food industry.
Most people are not aware that the food industry is already monopolized by 10 companies. The main shareholders of these companies are mostly "Vanguard" and "BlackRock" . For Gates, the future lies in changing the behaviour of the population, moving them to the big cities and making them fully dependent on indoor vertical farming. If this is the case, the question is why has he acquired 242,000 hectares of farmland in the last ten years, but at the same time invested horrendously in vertical farming and real estate?
Who then sits at the table with healthy food served by Gates, while the rest of the world community is forced to eat genetically modified products from closed-off facilities? What happens here when all the seeds, fruits and vegetables and meat are controlled? What happens to us humans when all these products are genetically modified in a petri dish in secure facilities, while the farmland is shut down due to excessive regulations, lack of supply and arranged inflation?

Incapacitation of humanity, total dependence as well as total control!
This not only suggests global enslavement, but confirms what Mr Schwab, the promoter of the Great Reset, is trying to make humanity believe - that owning nothing makes you happy! As an additional obvious effect, this new food supply system, which is being secretly introduced, could well result in a stealthy reduction of the world's population.

This makes it all the more urgent to take countermeasures at an early stage, to thwart the plan of the globalists and large corporations and to boycott these products coming onto the market. It could be of great benefit to life and limb to pick up the spade again and learn to be self-sufficient wherever possible, even in small ways.

from wou/abu/avr




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