World War A: When Aliens Attack

1 year ago

An entertaining combination of sound scientific observation and doomsday speculation, World War A: When Aliens Attack attempts to construct the likeliest scenario that would result from an alien visitation to our planet.

Does such an event have its foundations in scientific fact? The film presents a compelling case based on insights from astrophysicists, researchers, historians, military defense experts and others.

The search for intelligent life has remained a constant throughout our modern history, and several key discoveries have been made in recent years. Scientists are certain that Mars harbors the elements needed to sustain microbial life - a solid surface and evidence of water - and they've uncovered the existence of exoplanets in the farthest reaches of our galaxy. On the most basic level, they believe it would be foolish to assume that we are the only intelligent species in an infinite universe.

The film surmises that if we were visited by an intelligent alien species, they would surely possess more advanced technological capabilities than us. For this reason, they would likely be regarded as a menace, and we could reasonably assume that they had the potential to annihilate our planet. How could we begin to prepare ourselves for such a threat? Where would we find shelter, food, supplies, and the caliber of weaponry that could ensure our survival? Other figures profiled in the film aren't as convinced that visiting aliens would have a hostile nature.

Regardless of their intentions, many experts agree that intelligent alien life forms could be in search of our planet just as we are watching out for them, and they could have a significant head start.

The documentary features a weaving of on-camera interviews, informative animations of our cosmos, and cinematic dramatizations complimented by impressive visual effects.

World War A: When Aliens Attack works best when it focuses on the efforts that are currently underway to discover planets like our own. The Earth is blessed with a series of characteristics that make life possible, and astrophysicists are tasked with finding other planets that enjoy similarly hospitable conditions. Some viewers may be surprised to learn that they have singled out several possible prospects.

Directed by: Anne Siegele

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