One did come from the dead (The rich man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31)

1 year ago

One did come from the dead (The rich man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31)

“I will believe it, when I see it,” are words used too often in a world that is not sure what to believe any more. We are bombarded with so much misinformation and political propaganda that it is becoming increasingly difficult to decipher what is truth and what is fraudulent. People just sit idly buy waiting to see if what they have heard is true so they can see it with their own eyes before they believe it. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man tells Abraham that he knows his family would believe if someone from the dead would go to them and tell them the truth. Abraham replies by telling the rich man that if they refuse to be persuaded by the prophets of God that there is no way they are going to listen to one from the dead. If you ignore the truth when it comes from the lips of a living breathing individual why would you believe it when it comes from the lips of one who had escaped the grave. We see this holds true as Jesus Christ himself rose from the grave and proclaimed himself to be God yet most of the people who witnessed this miracle still didn’t believe. They didn’t believe Jesus when he was living and walking among them, and they certainly didn’t believe in a risen Jesus who preached the same message.

The family of the rich man was not going to believe a dead man walking because their hearts were chasing after the world and not after the God of this world. When you do not love the Truth, you will not believe the Truth even when it is standing right in front of you and this is where we find our society, a society who hates the Truth. They want to get ahold of anything that allows them to live the way they want to live and do the things they want to do but anything that stands in option to their choices is public enemy number one. As risen Savior that tells them that He died so they could be free from their sins not so they could remain in them is a judgmental bigot with no tolerance. A risen Savior that tells them that He can set them free is rejected because they already believe that they are living free while all the while they are bound in sin. Jesus rose from the grave so that we would be able to one day come out of our own grave, yet people choose to ignore the risen Savior and stay bound. The truth is color blind, the truth has not political affiliation, the truth does not hide from anyone, the truth is that Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

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