Cabinet Members and Prominent Persons of the President Calvin Coolidge Administration

1 year ago

Sec. of War Davis and his aides pose at their desks in the Old State Bldg., Wash., D.C. Mayor William S. Dever unveils the Sheridan Monument in Chicago in July 1924. Gen. Harry C. Hale delivers a speech. Vice Pres. Dawes, Gov. Len Small, Mayor Dever, Gens. Hale and M. J. Foreman, and Adm. W.A. Moffett are present as citizenship certificates are presented to graduates of a civics class in Chicago's Grant Park Stadium in June 1925. John Philip Sousa directs the band. Sec. Davis and Gens. Ely and Hines attend the 1926 graduation at the Army War College, Wash., D.C. Sec. of Labor James J. Davis speaks in Chicago on July 4, 1926. Gen. E.H. White leads a parade reviewed by Gov. Small, Mayor Dever, and Sec. Davis. Sect of War Davis visits historic ruins in San Juan, P.R.; inspects U.S. troops in Puerto Rico, and at France Field and Fort Randolph in the Canal Zone; views Gatun and Pedro Miguel Locks, C.Z., and is greeted by Gen. J.H. McRae on his return to N.Y.C. Dawes visits the 1927 Apple Blossom Festival at Winchester, Va. Sen. Harry Byrd greets Dawes. Asst. Sec. of War MacNider crowns the Queen. Speaker of the House Longworth poses with his family.

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