Installing A Mini Split - Cut Plywood Ceiling

1 year ago

Phil's installing a 3 headed mini split air conditioner for a customer. Cutting through the second part of the roof. That is something that makes this job unusual is the customer is upgrading an OLD mobile home that has been upgraded before.

They have already pulled down the drywall ceiling.

Pioneer Inverter Ultra High Efficiency Heat Pump 3 head mini split.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Back after pulling the drywall out
00:25 Scored the drywall with razor knife and cut with an oscillating saw
00:38 Put a paddle bit wider that the saw blade and drill the corners
01:15 Something you may run into when measuring
01:45 The jog in the hole is for the freon lines
02:05 Before cutting, make sure there's no electrical above you
02:15 They ran into that with one of the heads
02:30 The instructions are for offices, not good for putting in a house
02:45 This job has several complications. They have to adjust to.
03:20 Cutting the plywood
03:40 Be careful of falling debris
03:55 Need to move insulation back... The heat is flooding into the room

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#minisplit #ACInstall #cuttingceiling

Now all the dirty work is done. We actually used a razor knife to go and then score it, the drywall. We've been making fun of coaches that do the ‘Ahh’ in their interviews anyway. I scored the drywall with the razor knife and then used this oscillating saw and did it a lot faster. Next, I'll put a paddle bit in, big enough that I can get inside a hole big enough that I get the... Saw blade. Wood saw blade, sawzall blade in. So, then I drilled the corners.

Got that done. Now I'm going to hook up power to the sawzall and cut it out. Now, incase you might not have noticed I’m going to point out something. The head that's going to go up there is 22 and a half by 22 and a half. But we have learned if you just cut that size of the hole, there's two lines that stick out further. And they are for the freon lines, we've made a two inch by three or four inch area on one corner to allow because we're going to have the main unit outside over there with the left side window. We’ll have the freon lines going that way. Now, here we go making a big mess.

Probably, what I should suggest to you. Make sure that there’s no electrical up there. I was waiting for you to remind them. We actually had that on one of the heads. There was a line up there that went to an outlet all by itself. It just seemed like it was odd. Instructions are just for offices. Now the instructions are made for a acoustical slash. Ceiling grid. Foam ceiling type, so they don't really work very well with putting it in a house.

But you can do it. And this is what we're doing. We're actually having one has to tin on the ceiling, then plywood, and now we have drywall on the ceiling then plywood. And we have got one that’s in a mobile home roof that has... Wood. Wood to metal. That has fake tongue and groove pine on it. And then above that would be a mobile home roof. And that's going to be a journey in itself. But be careful, back to what I was saying to when you're up there measuring how far where the rafters are after you put that piece up there to measure from, make sure there's no electrical up there so you don't cut it with your sawzall.

Do you recommend a hard hat? No, be careful. Plastic glasses would be good. Glasses might work. Well, in my case, it's so hot they would fog up. They will do that. So now we've got insulation to move back. You feel the heat coming out? Yeah, there'll be heat pouring out of there. It's a 99 or something outside. So, you can well imagine what it is in that closed in area.

It's like 105 up there. 105 on the... The floor. And then... See how close we are there of the wall and there's not. Yeah, I've seen a bit.

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