When Science Gets Smeared

1 year ago

When Science is Smeared
Note: Former New York Times reporterNicolas Wade was one of the first mainstream writers to expose the true origins of the virus, in an article published in the bulletin of the atomic scientists, which was started by J Robert Oppenheimer in the late 1940s as a way to avert human extinction. It’s not a right wing group by any stretch. In fact, one of his board members is former California Governor Jerry Brown.
Recently at a hearing in Congress, Wade was accused of being racist by Kweisi Mfume on account of his 2014 book called “troublesome inheritance.” The book written in 2014 discusses the differences among the races based on recent mapping of the human genome, and Wade claims that this book is anti-racist. However, he’s been recently smeared widely on account of KKK-affiliated David Duke citing his book. Mfume called him “filthy” and “disgusting,” and the New York Times essentially disavowed him. 



Kary Mullis web site

Kary Mullis PBS interview

Nobel Disease:

The Montaigner-Gallo Controversy

Exposé on Eco Health Alliance research at Wuhan Institute of Virology


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