Figuring Out Which Roosters To Keep 7-23

1 year ago

Unfortunately, even though I purchased all pullets, we have an over abundance of Roosters.
The only roosters we should have are Jersey Giants. I bought them as straight run. Figuring I'd get a couple roosters and a few hens... Nope.
All roosters I reckon.
We shouldn't have any Bard Rocks at all, because I paid for Black Astralorps as pullets.
White Leghorns were bought as pullets, as we're the Rhode Island Reds.
So I'll have to process at least 3 of the roosters.
Mr Leghorn is about the size of a Cornish Game
He is a screamer and all about mating, but he is adorable and I love him. So until he shows aggression, he'll probably stay.
Mr Red, the Rhode Island Red is the sweetest rooster I've ever seen and shows no aggression to anything. He bows down to the other roosters and is very very gentle.
I love him most of all. He is definitely a pet.

The guardians will be Bert the Bard Rock and Ernie the Jersey Giant.

Much love everybody!
Grow what you love and you'll love what grows!!!

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