Prayer to Saint Charbel on his Feast Day July 24, 2023

1 year ago

Saint Charbel, also known as Mar Charbel or Sharbel, was a Lebanese Maronite Catholic monk and hermit. He was born as Youssef Antoun Makhlouf on May 8, 1828, in the village of Biqa-Kafra in Northern Lebanon. At a young age, he felt a calling to the monastic life and entered the Monastery of St. Maron in Annaya, Lebanon, where he took the name Charbel after an early martyr.

Charbel lived a life of great piety, prayer, and asceticism, spending much of his time in solitude and contemplation. He was known for his deep devotion to God and his dedication to the life of a hermit, seeking union with the Divine through prayer and penance.

Charbel was ordained a priest in 1859, and he continued his life of prayer and self-denial, drawing many people to him seeking spiritual guidance and blessings. After his death on December 24, 1898, numerous miracles and healings were attributed to his intercession, and his tomb at the Monastery of St. Maron in Annaya became a place of pilgrimage and prayer.

Saint Charbel was canonized by the Catholic Church on October 9, 1977. He is venerated as a saint not only by Maronite Catholics but also by many other Christians around the world. Saint Charbel is particularly revered for his spiritual wisdom, miraculous healings, and his example of holiness and devotion to God. His feast day is celebrated on July 24th.
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