Seven Deadly Sins by Bryan Ferry ~ The Price for a Life of Lies...

1 year ago

Seven Deadly Sins is one of the Key Tracks to Bryan Ferry's, Bete Noire, album...Bete Noire is a French and Latin expression for the Black Beast that you Must Avoid, which is a Powerful Allegory for the Human Ego...

And throughout this Brilliant Song (that encourages us to look Within ourselves) what Bryan Ferry is Teaching us that the Lethal World of the Seven Deadly Sins comes into being when we refuse the Truth, and Live rather in an endless series of Lies...and Lies are the Most Egregious Sins, as Lies lead us into Temptation, and do NOT Deliver us from Evil; and, these Sinful Acts are very difficult to Forgive or to Forget.

Because SIN produces GUILT and SHAME, which are our own Torture Mechanisms, designed to keep us away from Sinful Lives...and Guilt and Shame are what Create (thru the Hands of Man, and NOT from God), the Human EGO, and when in Ego, this is where we begin that Descent into Losing our Minds...

All of the Pain and Suffering that Mankind experiences on this Earth are the Direct result of Living Sinful Existences, instead of Following the Feminine Path of Virtue and Righteousness; thus, WE are the Architects of our own Story and how this Story plays itself out...

We all Know that left unattended to, the Truth can appear to be UnKind and Painful, but always remember this, it is this Failure to ACCEPT the Truth as your own Personal Savior that leads us into a Hellish SIN can Only Manifest itself when the Truth is nowhere to be, if we Lie or even Tolerate Lies, then Hell becomes a Destination right around the Next Bend in the Road of Life, and Death...

One last point, in the song's 'Chorus', Bryan Ferry repeats the line, 'Seven Chimes of Midnight', which Represent our Solution to the Seven Deadly Sins, where the Seven Chimes are the Seven Chakras, or the Kundalini Rising, calling us to Rise OUT of Sin and into Virtue...

Enjoy this Wonderful Video,

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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