The Bright Side with Ben Fuchs July 22nd 2024

1 year ago

minute videoSaturday, July 22

Ademola Okubena

I go by Ademola Michael Okubena and I am the CEO and founder of Rubicon Wellness LLC in

Colorado. RUBICON stands for the idea in reaching a turning point in the health and wellness of

humanity where our dependence on the conventional pharmaceutical therapies to heal the

body are being questioned so that we can replace it with natural plant-based solutions.

My vision is to “go back to the roots” as they say and re-introduce African healing shamanism in

the form of herbs and botanical plant medicine which have little or no side effects; historically

and sustainably cultivated to alleviate many health conditions plaguing humanity throughout

history till today, caused by inflammation of cells.

I acquired over 25yrs of industry knowledge by intimately dealing with Natural products

industry and supplying natural food ingredients to the Dietary Supplements market all over the

world whilst developing family brand of Sorghum Supplement called JOBELYN sold to millions of

Africans for decades till today. I helped conduct human and clinical studies in Africa, Europe

and USA using sorghum superfood Ingredient to demonstrate its efficacy and safety profiles to

build customer trust and loyalty and validate what we know historically.

Sorghum Superfood has the unique ability of being a multi-faceted health solution for many

degenerative conditions by reversing those conditions rapidly with the power it’s polyphenol

content; a very powerful antioxidant agent that helps reverse inflammation of cells.

Our Ingredient has the competitive edge over others by its bioavailability presented in many

varying applications like Dietary Supplement, Tea beverage, Superfood Powders and Natural

Red Color Dye for Food, cosmetic and beverage applications.

My love for entrepreneurship was instilled in me from a young age by my father who owned

and ran multiple successful businesses which led me to study and acquire Bachelor of Arts (BA)

in Business Management and Entrepreneurship at the prestigious Kingston University in

London. My need for healing and fascination with miraculous healing took me on an adventure

and travels living on 3 continents all over the world. This journey into Self-discovery divinely

sparked my interests in African mystic arts, metaphysics, esoterism, spirituality, human

psychology, and psychotherapy; induced by traumatic and near-death experiences at a very

early age.

I now joyfully share these healing principles of integration of the mind, body and soul using

purely non-Dual teachings handed down by masters in transforming the mind; utilizing a combo

of modalities using African folk medicine to facilitate the body healing itself very rapidly and

my passion of being a life coach and a strong advocate for black mental health and mental

health in general.

I hope one day to bring all that I have learned, mastered, and know concerning health and

wellness to the whole world by sharing these gifts I have been given by the Source of all things.


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