Thomas D. Homan: FMR ICE acting Dir, Crisis at AMECS SRN BRD, New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP #159

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On Monday, 24 JUL 23, Mr. Thomas Homan, Former Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (#ICE), Founder of Homeland Strategic Consulting LLC, Visiting Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, and CEO of #Border911, a movement with experts to inform the American people why the border has become a national crisis, joins me on New Paradigms with Sargis Sangari, Episode #159, to conduct a deep dive on the crisis at America's southern border & discuss the release of the documentary drama "Death County & The River of Broken Dreams" which is a national educational project that is based on the life and experience of Mr. Homan's thirty-five years in #lawenforcement and his commitment to humanely save lives, as detailed in his book, Defend the Border & Save Lives.

The most significant question I asked Mr. Homan was that if he should be given total control of the Department of Homeland Security (#DHS) #bordersecurity, #customs, #CoastGuard, Homeland Security Investigations (#HSI), and Air and #Marine, which are federal law enforcement components within the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (#CBP), how would he reorganize those force structures to protect the Homeland more effectively?

ICE which Mr.Holman was the acting director, is the largest investigative arm within DHS and the second largest investigative agency in the federal government, with over 20,000 #specialagents, officers, and other employees and an annual budget of over 8 billion USD.

Ice is designed to protect the Homeland through criminal and civil enforcement of federal laws governing #bordercontrol, #customstrade, and #immigration.

Ice agents have over 400 offices in the united states and are in 46 foreign countries.

Mr. Homan and I began our discussion with Mr. Homan telling our audience what initially drove his decision to join the CBP.

We continued the discussion with how he would describe the current state of security and the #humanitarian situation at the #southernborder and, more importantly, from his perspective, what is the most critical link between our current border issue and the long-term #nationalsecurity of the United States.

We discussed if CBP is adequately staffed and trained.

I asked Mr. Homan if he could take one decisive action tomorrow to secure our borders, what would it be?

Despite all the rhetoric, I asked Mr. Homan if he believes a solid #barrier in critical places on the southern border is necessary, especially a reliable continuous barrier from Imperial Beach, #California, to South Padre Island in #Texas.

I informed Mr. Homan that in October of 2015, I had written an article on NEC-SE titled "Will common sense prevail regarding arms purchases for #Mexican Authorities or must we all succumb to #drugcartels, #IslamicState and # NGO's."

From my perspective, since the article was written, it would not be a reach to assume that the drug #cartels and #terror networks would have had the chance over the past three years to establish assets in major cities in the united states. If this assumption is validated, how would Mr. Homan neutralize those threats?

We continued our discussion with Mr. Homan, describing the relationship between our Department of State (#DOS), Non-Governmental Organizations NGO's working with illegals in #CentralAmerica and the Cartels.

We focused on what additional assets and capabilities Mr. Homan believes the DHS enterprise needs to better protect our borders and marine resources.

I asked Mr. Homan, given the Department of Defense (#DOD) and U.S. Northern Command have access to and control over a vast array of #surveillance assets, how can they be better leveraged for total domain awareness on our borders and Maritime Protection Zones?

We discussed if more funding is needed and in what areas to address the border crisis.

We talked through what other governmental and non-governmental organizations can be helpful in this effort.

I discussed the #FOIA request, which showed that although the #Senate confirmed Secretary #Mayorkas he has yet to take an oath of office. If he holds a Senior Executive Service Position, are there any legal issues affecting the enforceability of his directives under the law?

We discussed what are some of the retention issues CBP is facing.

Finally, we finished our discussion on what is being done to monitor and address #PTSD-related issues.

Our entire discussion addressed some of the reasons and issues as to why it is so tricky for #Congress to pass immigration reform.

For more information on Border911, visit and the new paradigms Rumble show link.

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