Cheeky vulture wisely gives gorging lionesses a wide berth

1 year ago

Lionesses on the plain in Kenya, Africa have made a kill and their prey is being devoured in a hurry. Here in Africa, the opportunity to eat is often short. Predators smell food from miles away and there are always hungrier lions, packs of hyenas, or wild dogs, ready to try their luck in stealing meat where they can. Even a pair of powerful lionesses musty eat quickly to get their share.
This vulture has followed his nose to the scene of the fresh kill and he is ready to dash in if he sees an opening. He keeps a respectful distance as he looks over the carcass and sizes up the lionesses. They are far too busy and unconcerned with his presence while he stays distant, but he knows that he is also vulnerable if he gets too close. A lioness would happily eat a bird like him and they would object to being robbed of their dinner.
The vulture will wait until the bigger predators have all had their turn, or he will swoop in if their is enough chaos to cause a distraction. He will be ready in either case. The hyenas and dogs that live on these plains are also crafty and they know that food attracts other creatures that can be food as well. The vulture will need to keep an eye on more than just the lionesses if he is to live through the day.
As the vulture casually strolls past, the lioness chew and tear off meat as quickly as they can. This wildebeest will be reduced to bones and stripped of every ounce of flesh before nightfall.
Life on the African plain is complex. Nature here, like in most places is strikingly beautiful, but harsh and dangerous at the same time.

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