Cliff top 20.07.23 , Dorset DRUM&CHANT WITH HEIKE &SHONA - I release control and surrender to ....

1 year ago

We had a lovely Southbourne cliff top drum but it was ..cold and windy. We had an amazing sky, the sun showed for 5 minutes but we still enjoyed it and thank you Elvira Dioszeghy for recording a little at the very end.... we had lost most to the chilly conditions by 8pm but we wanted to finish with a chant - one of my favourites and an easy one. I usually separate the chimes to 1 or 2 per player as it forces to listen to the rhythm of the drums-shakers - tambourines to inject an angelic chime (that's what they are to me and i have 16 of them - pentatonic which keeps it easier for all to harmonize )
We had already gathered them and Piotr couldn't resist a play. These are lovely tools for me and along with the drums make it music more so then a simple percussion/drum circle where the beat is mostly steady and we welcome the virtuoso who can add 'spice ' to the soup of sounds. My aim is always to reach the harmony, spontaneously.....instinctively. All i ask is listening and that you can tap your foot along with music.... (something we often do unconsciously ) some sing or hum and some just listen sometimes.
I loved my Lifemusic sessions and i might start them again, where we mix a larger variety of instruments - keyboard...Balafons...etc and listening requires more skill. A joy to play with musicians who can hold back with 'non musicians' as to not overpower the moment. It has always been fun to me and a circle with no leader - we lead each other ....(with a little facilitation from me if necessary ) Over the years, i have always aimed to "play with" rather than "play to" :) Many cannot sing and drum at the same time, in a mixed circle this is fine as both support each other - and a chant is often easier as the brain works on the right and the words are largely on the left. Toning is a favourite of mine and a call and response with voices is as powerful as with instruments.
May the sun shine for the next 4 circles which will be
Sunday 30th july 2023 at 7pm until 8.15 - packed up by 8.30pm
Every other Thursday starting 3.8 - 17.8 and 31.8 as above
All weather permitting - check out FB events on my Page Heike Drums and Plays
..listening is as important as playing....the magic is often in the spaces
enjoying the company ... bring your good vibes...

It is good for me - and good for most....
Highkey tonight for sure :)
..and if you like it then PRESS THAT BUTTON.....
We - Shona and myself - have a little sign for donations as despite the fun, it is 'work' and energy needs exchanging, we share the proceeds .. Anyhow i also now mention :
Donations to my paypal or buy me a coffee
Much appreciated :)

Southbourne - Cliff top by the Riva and the playground - Community building through Rhythm is the Motto ...

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