Evidence Files This Weak

1 year ago

Evidence files. This week (weak) in you tube Crime.
5 deleted subscribers, 2 new subscribers but further analysis shows no new subscribers or any new change? I find that interesting.

The most obvious, fresh and easy to prove Fraudulent crime, imposturing a business brand to commit federal crime by deleting our fair use reaction video, under false pretenses of a music company filing a takedown appeal, in which that same company has not filed one of those since January.. Thus, Making it appear that a music company has claimed rights to our video, when they have not, and the email proof, You tube liars video link here on rumble. Replayed here without the Chubby Checker twist song to it.

2 new copyright claims, both on *non copyright music*. One from December of 2020 I think it was, lol, they had to go way back and keep harassing me with this nonsense just to annoy me, degrade me, strike my channel, limit our views more, while the entire time, breaking the law at every step of the way, and wasting my time.

I guess, with content like this, I will just stack up these evidence files for everyone to see as far as I can share and spread it baby!

no copyright fair use educational music in this video
Forward by Beau Walker https://soundcloud.com/beauwalkermusic
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/2YT8WzH
Music promoted by Audio Library

• Forward – Beau Wa...

lol, not sure what it is about this song, but it got tagged again for copyright in this video too. Looks like yt is just grabbing straws at this point to cancel us. No worries we are still on Rumble and everywhere else and will continue making these videos to bring to you.
Eldhrimner by GalaxyTones https://soundcloud.com/galaxytones
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3rlzPKG
Music promoted by Audio Library

• Eldhrimner – Gala...

LOFI ✨ - beats to relax.mkv

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