T-Bone? Chicago Car Car Lawyer Explains! [BJP#140) [Call 312-500-4500]

1 year ago

In this video, the Chicago car accident lawyer Scott DeSalvo and his co-host Amelia Finefrock talk about the insurance issues than can arisein a t-bone crash where the other driver and his passengers get out of the car and run away after a major car crash.

The thing to understand in this sort of situation is that if the car is stolen or is claimed to have been stolen, then the car owner's insurance company will be reluctant to pay for any damages caused, because the car was not used with permission.

In Illinois, insurance poolicies are required to have "Uninsured Motorist Coverage" which might save the day if you find yourself in a similar Chicago car crash situation.

Not surpirsingly, the auto insurance company does not want to pay, so the question is, does this lady have a shot at collecting? Yes, she does -- whether it is through her own insurance or the other car's owner's insurance policy.

All of this and much more is disussed in the video.

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Thanks for watching and good luck!

Scott D. DeSalvo
The Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo
Chicago Car Crash Lawyer
Chicago Car Crash Attorney
888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318)

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