Woke Superintendent Protests CA School District’s Policy Protecting Parent’s Rights

1 year ago

California School District passed a policy which says parents should be informed if their child changes their gender, name, or pronouns.

The State Superintendent showed up to protest it and was escorted out by security after he tried to go over his time😂

Read more about this:

California school board has police escort state ed bureaucrat out of meeting and passes parental rights transgender policy


Thank goodness the emotional blackmail failed miserably.
Why would anyone go so out of their way and fight so hard to keep secrets from parents? To cause division between parents and their children and isolate the children. It’s obvious this poor excuse of a man doesn’t have the children’s best interest at heart. Quite the contrary. He wants to put as much distance between parents and their children as possible so that the children become more vulnerable and easier prey. This superintendent needs it to be easier for him and his fellow perverse-woke-teachers to corrupt children in a way they can get away with it; without anyone getting in the way. He’s a predator that wants to take advantage of children’s innocence.

The woke cult wants to indoctrinate, manipulate and confuse as many children as possible and they need to get parents out of their way in order to facilitate the process.

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