Abortion: A Matter of Choice?

1 year ago

Does anyone have the right to murder an innocent human? Pro-choice arguments for abortion are refuted in this episode.

Related Articles:
Abortion ‘choices’ (https://creation.com/abortion-choices)
Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women? (https://creation.com/abortion-an-indispensable-right-or-violence-against-women-sex-selection-aborting-girls)
Roe v Wade in the ash heap of history! (https://creation.com/roe-v-wade-gone)
Refuting contrived pro-abortion arguments: the ‘famous violinist’ of Judith Jarvis Thomson (https://creation.com/refuting-contrived-pro-abortion-arguments)
Human Life Q&A page: (https://creation.com/human-life-questions-and-answers-abortion-and-euthanasia)

0:00 Intro
2:11 The 2-year-old test
2:43 Humans at different stages from conception
4:17 Secular arguments against abortion
4:46 Biologists: Life begins at conception
6:53 Why murder is wrong
7:47 Newborn less valuable than a pig?
9:11 Feminists against abortion
10:25 Abort disabled babies?
11:34 Roe V Wade overturned
13:52 The Bible on abortion
17:08 'Famous violinist' argument
19:52 Abortion justified in rape cases?
20:57 Abortion to save the mother?
23:00 Pro-life arguments refuted?
27:27 No one has the right to murder babies

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