FDA, Ministry of Truth, warn of health misinformation, urge to consult 'reliable' sources

1 year ago

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rightfully warns of misinformation, which they publicly define as false, inaccurate or misleading information. Some opinions disguised as fact are promoted online. Misinformation can spread 6x faster than the facts. Social media promotes information that you engage with, regardless of the truth.

So far this is mostly correct. However, the 'authorities' define 'misinformation' as anything contrary to their agenda, so NOT the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

The FDA recommends to consult reliable sources, such as medical journals, 'independent' fact checkers, and government agencies. What they don't say is these 'reliable' are comparable to the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's book '1984'. They can be relied upon to be propaganda organizations which spread lies and censor the truth.

'Independent' 'fact checkers', for example, can be relied upon to protect the narrative. Medical journals get the bulk of their income from pharmaceutical companies, so they can be relied upon to (not) publish what the pharmaceutical companies (don't) want them to publish. After all, Whose bread I eat, whose song I sing. It's not about the scientific method, but about The Science™, which is propaganda disguised as the scientific method.

The FDA urges everyone to "stick with the facts", but it's clear this should not be done when the facts are inconvenient to their agenda.

Wikipedia writes on the Ministry of Truth:

> The Ministry of Truth (Newspeak: Minitrue) is the ministry of propaganda. As with the other ministries in the novel, the name Ministry of Truth is a misnomer because in reality it serves the opposite: it is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. However, like the other ministries, the name is also apt because it decides what "truth" is in Oceania. As well as administering "truth", the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, "truth" is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants. In keeping with the concept of doublethink, the ministry is thus aptly named in that it creates/manufactures "truth" in the Newspeak sense of the word.
> ...
> Minitrue plays a role as the news media by changing history, and changing the words in articles about events current and past, so that Big Brother and his government are always seen in a good light and can never do any wrong. The content is more propaganda than actual news."



FDA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nA8i_cTtWM
Image: https://www.teepublic.com/poster-and-art/14965951-ministry-of-truth

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