Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks " No overwhelm in the receptive mode " San Diego

1 year ago

Welcome to another recording! This audio segment was recorded on 1/17/16, in San Diego, CA. In this segment Abraham chooses a hot seater with a question " no overwhelm in the receptive mode." Abraham jumps right in to explain to hot seater that when you are experiencing the receptive mode in real time you are not overwhelmed. If you are experiencing overwhelming feelings in a moment you are not in alignment with your broader perspective. For example let's for the sake of this example I will use a friend, her name is Sally. Sally wakes up early, mediates, has a good breakfast and heads to work in the city. While at work she feels good. but just before midday she get a call, and is advised that a project that she is working on the deadline is being pushed to next week, versus in 2 weeks as originally planned , because of budget cuts that were announced and were completely unexpected. Sally in a moment feels overwhelmed, to bring the project up to speed to the new fast paced change that they are requiring of her. And so she panics and decides to skip lunch to figure out a plan. She calls her assistant into her office who skips lunch as well, and they both opt in for coffee break instead. They both create a plan, that is workable, but not great to bring things up to speed, but decides that is what will work for now. Sally goes home, she is cranky, eats dinner, and goes to sleep in that vibration. Now in this scenario Sally is actively in the panic mode, with overwhelming feelings with her tasks at work. Now if Sally at this point once she's alone and realize what she is doing with her vibration she re-directs herself, she is going to take hot bath, & mediate and wake up a little earlier than usual to mediate and journal a bit. She wakes up on the high flying disc because of her mediation the night before, next she mediates has breakfast and journals. While journaling she is inspired to a thought " what if everything works out for me ?" What if as a result of this "crisis" I am promoted because of my sharp handling of this deadline crisis? She realizes that she needs to have her lunch, decides today I will have my lunch and so will my assistant. Sally heads to work, calls in a meeting with her assistant, and re-devises a better idea for her plan and tells her assistant she needs the best of her and she wants her to take her lunch today as she will also be taking a lunch because they both need to be on the ball with sharp clarity during this crisis. During the late afternoon, her boss calls Sally into his office and gives her great news that he will be adding 2 more assistants under her command so that she can fulfill the "crisis deadline starting tomorrow morning." Sally ends her day, feeling empowered, enthusiastic, and excited about her new endeavor. The way she turned what could have been a downward spiral into a fast moving upward spiral has done wonders for her vibration. Now Sally has learned, to react to the fast pace of vibrational shifts, and that can only help her not just with her career but with all other subject as well, because they are the same principles. Remember frequency is everything. We must take care of our precious airtime, and be wise of how we are broadcasting. Law of attraction does not have an OFF button.For further details on this recording and so much more, please visit www.abraham-hicks.com. And if you are enjoying this content please like my video, and subscribe to my channel so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material! Thank you so much for your support, I truly treasure each and every one who tunes in to these videos! Remember comment down below any suggestion that will take us higher into more understanding.Let's keep searching for the golden nuggets.#manifesting #abrahamhicks #estherhicks #manifestation #vortex #selfcare #selfhealing #selflove #lawofattraction #alignment #basking #broadcaster #innerbeing #innerguidance #thewobblefreezone #divineguidance #divine #divinetiming #selfimprovement #selfhelp #universe #abrahamhicks2023

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