Creating a Draft

1 year ago

Creating a Draft

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Isaiah 9:1-2, 6, John 1:1-13, 43-51 John 13:12-17

As I was working at Youth camp this week, I was contemplating the atmosphere of our church services and was thinking about the kind of happening our young people NEED to go to church in.

In racing, and on the highway, a draft is what happens behind the car or truck in front of you.
They break the wind that would drag your speed down, and if you tuck yourself in behind that rig, it takes less energy to keep your speed.

What I want to visit about is the importance of each of us when we come to church on any given Sunday, we create a draft for those who are hurting, tiered, beat up, etc. for them to tuck themselves behind the draft we make so it is easier for them to encounter God’s presence.

How to Create A Draft:
1. Come to church already fired up.
2. Be an owner, not a visitor.
3. Realize that Church isn't about you. Recognize the people around you that may be in need of your draft. And then be sensitive of them.
Ga 6:2 “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Think with me of a place in your area that seems dark. If ever there needed to be a move of God, it is there!
What city do you think of?

Jesus' ministry began in dark places!!!
2 Chr.6:1 Then Solomon spoke: "The LORD said He would dwell in the dark cloud.
God is in the middle of your darkness.

Ver.46 And Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"
Nazareth was in the region of Galilea and was considered somewhat backward. Isaiah called that region the land of the gentile people those surrounded with great darkness. Yet this was where Jesus started His ministry.

Isa.9:1-2, 6
In the place where devastation had robbed hope, Jesus came on that scene.
He chooses the places in our lives where we have the most disgrace and shame, and where He shines His light.
Past failures become prophecies of a future victory."

“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” YES!
Can anything good come out of the dark place in your life? YES!
Pastor you don’t understand what I have done.
You don’t understand the relationships I have messed up.
The mistakes I have made – on purpose!

Jesus comes into that dark place and Creates A Draft – and if I tuck myself into that draft, He bring healing, strength, and life to me and my family!

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