Have I done a good enough job w/RFK Jr..?

1 year ago

I’ve told most of any newbies & Normies enough on our little page right of how RFK Jr has been your biggest fighter for freedom, especially freedom of speech and freedom of medical practices, the last three years?

I understand there’s things we don’t agree with him about but all I want to do is bri g you to that point where you know how this man traveled the world the last three years fighting for freedom of censorship and medical procedures so that you will remember that as you move forward.

We can’t accept some truth and not others. I get weird comments and reactions when I speak about him and I want you all to know where I’m coming from.

You know me by now and know I trust no one. I continually watch 45+ and am more critical towards him than most so just imagine how I look at others seeing as how I’m still a big 45+ guy. I literally trust no one.

I just want to put you on that level where you fully understand what’s going on. A big piece is the fact this man fought harder for you than anyone else in this free world. Then you have MEP Christine Anderson, etc etc but you have to know the details like the fight this man endured. Do t trust him but do your own research. I literally stay on the fence with everyone but those like me who w been paying very close attention the past 3 years at least know where I’m coming from. We(Me and you) have the scars on our backs to prove how many times we’ve took a knife to that back. Pray for discernment, take a breathe, stay calm, emotionally detach yourself, and do your own research

Strengthen & Listen To That Intuition Of Yours.. God put it there for a reason..

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