Reviewing The Fall of Numenór, Lord of the Rings Tarot unboxing, Answering Audience Questions

1 year ago

A more casual solo show this time, where we talk about The Fall of Numenór and how it might be the Middle Earth story for our time, we unbox the frankly strange but kinda neat Lord of The Rings Tarot, and then get to some questions that have been sent in over the past month from members and non-members about Spiritism, healing traditions, the future of Solarpunk, daily practice and a whole lot more.

2:57 Fall of Numenór review
36:43 Lord of the Rings Tarot Unboxing
1:02:08 Live Q&A begins

Rune Soup is a podcast channel that platforms the most important discussions at the cutting edge of magic, animism and spirit work.

Gordon is chaos magician, shamanic practitioner, podcaster, author and permaculture designer with a background in data and analytics gained at some of the world's largest media companies. He is the author of four books on magic, animism and star lore: Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits, The Chaos Protocols, Pieces of Eight and Ani.Mystic: Encounters With A Living Cosmos.

When not travelling, Gordon hosts his weekly show, Rune Soup, from a small permaculture farm in southern Tasmania.

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