Trails of Cold Steel part 36...! Stopping the I.L.F. railway cannon attack...!

1 year ago

Welcome back to Erebonia! The Imperial Liberation Front have made their way to the giant railway cannons in the midst of the murderous chaos their distraction wrought! Now it's up to Rean, Instructor Sara, Major Neithardt and the cadets of Class VII to stop them from firing them at the Crossbell Trade Conference...! Upon finally reaching the weapon platforms, they discover that Gideon was killed during his attempt to attck the conference... but this has only strengthened the resolve of the ILF...!
(NOTE: There was a game crash which screwed up the recording of a couple of good fights and the original lead-in, frustratingly. As a result, the recording picks up midway into the first boss fight before pursuing the ILF, missing out on the first fight with the robots before the crash which nearly wiped my entire party. Sorry, folks)
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