104 "Demonic Development" ft. Dr. Sean Brooks, corp sensitivity training, depop, died suddenly

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Tonight we have returning guest Dr. Sean Brooks to discuss what’s likely to happen this upcoming year in K12 and higher education. He speaks to the lies of the K12 and higher ed professional development. It involves the things we are seeing and hearing within school board meetings, and what is not being said.

Also Outcast had an interesting talk with one of his friends was saying she had to take all this sensitivity training and be tested on it in order to be re-credentialed for her license.

Dr. Sean Brooks links: https://americaneducationfm.com/
The American Classroom Substack: https://theamericanclassroom.substack.com/p/the-ubiquity-of-developmental-indoctrination
Kentucky "implicit bias training:" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/kentucky-nurses-required-take-implicit-bias-course-structural/
No college mandate list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11BrDadiUGN-vQBe7Jolcb_-aWhLT7S2AkWOkSX49M40/htmlview#gid=115662127

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