RFK Jr Ivermectin (A Miracle Drug).. Why are we not angry yet?

1 year ago

I’ve been waiting for years now on “the people” to get angry about the fact some of our loved ones who died during the cervesa bug could have lived had it not been for media, politicians, and social media slandering and literally hiding the miracle drug, ivermectin. Your loved ones could still be here and didn’t have to die alone but they hid the miracle drug because it was literally pennies on the dollar. Instead they had to push the MRNA experimental jab and Remdisovr, which was banned in hospitals prior to the cervesa bug because it was killing people from causing organ failure and was 4K for a 4 day dose. Ivermectin & HCQ would cost about 3$ for a 4 day dose. When will we get pissed? They lied and people unnecessarily died.

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