1 year ago

These are the last of the last days!!! THE DAY OF THE LORD IS AT HAND, WAKE UP
--- Dutch Government Oppresses Farmers WEF Backed Government Steals Land & resources From Farmers --- Everything was planned --- Words of Truth --- Remember this when You Feel Broken --- REDEEM THE TIME GIVEN TO YOU July 14-2023 GLYNDA LOMAX --- Exposing the Matrix of satan(Demon activity) --- jane birkin --- The Holy Spirit in action.

If you want to help, then please pray for this Ministry, if you feel led by the Lord to support this Ministry, you can use this Paypal link ( )
and ministry email is here: meministryofthelord @ (JUST REMOVE EMPTY SPACES _@_ )

USEFULL DOCUMENTS FOR THE LEFT BEHIND, UPDATED JULY 5TH 2023(+VERSION EN FRANCAIS)*** : (Finnish police link where you can report what you have seen here).
bitchute - Stew Peters:
bitchute - LiFeIsAfIlTeR:
Bitchute - Puretrauma357:
Youtube - Encounter TV:
Youtube - Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!:
Youtube - Mel Bond:
Youtube - The Lord Is My Shepherd:
Youtube - Josh Sparrow:
Youtube - Slapped Ham:
Youtube - Mark Hemans:

Below are instructions on how to get saved and salvation prayer. Our Lord Jesus Christ loves you.
All the world events, fulfilled prophecies, world events and signs in the skies(all around) have proven the fact that we have reached the end of days.
You have no time left and you really DON'T WANT TO BE WRONG ABOUT THIS ONE DECISION IN YOUR LIFE !! God is REAL, Heaven (new Jerusalem) is REAL and Hell is VERY REAL! You are a spiritual being having an earthly experience. Those who can WAKE UP will be saved(RAPTURE) before the Tribulation period. But others that will wake up and TURN TO HIM in repentance during Tribulation WILL BE SAVED TOO(Tribulation saints), but at their own life's cost. If you have decided to TRUST on technology and "modern world" or men you are going to have a rude awakening to the REAL reality.

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you do not have your name in the Book of Life. As this means you ignored or rejected God and His AMAZING sacrifice and offer of His ONLY begotten Son to die for your sins to SAVE you.

God does NOT send anyone to hell, the Devil, Satan, has legal rights to your soul if you don't have relationship with God(Jesus The MESSIAH). Hell is punishment for satan and his minions and followers, it was never prepared or intended for humans. God has removed all the Godly attributes from hell (Joy, Love, Goodness, sleep, Peace, quiet and anything positive). There is ONLY evil and suffering beyond imagination.

You need to repent of your sins and pray Jesus to forgive you those sins with all your heart and surrender your life to Jesus, let him guide and protect you(relationship & receive The Holy Spirit).

Through FAITH in JESUS-CHRIST (Yahushua HaMashiach) is the ONLY way to get saved.

SALVATION PRAYER (with sincere heart)(James 5:15)
Dear Jesus,
I acknowledge I am a sinner and I repent of all my sins
I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins and come into my heart to be The Lord of my will, heart and life
and my SAVIOR. I believe and confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins.
I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again.
Wash my sins away with your blood and make me as pure white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in You this is possible.

When done with sincere heart(salvation prayer), immediately the Holy Spirit comes to live in you and starts
to work with you, you may or may not notice something, anyway, you ARE NOW FILLED with the Holy Spirit.
You are now a new creation, with new heart, you are now a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. And you have
all the power in you, also all power over the enemy. It is all up to you now to take care of this relationship with
the Holy Spirit, the more you give the more you receive, He wants to bless you. Ask for help and you will receive it.
Sin gives the enemy legal rights to block blessings that belong to you. Again, ask for help to stay away from
sin and repent when you do sin. Read the word daily, focus on New Testament, start with the Gospel of John.
Pray daily, and pray psalm91 over you daily for protection. Talk to Holy Spirit, in your mind, out loud, however,
He wants to be your best friend. Share your life with Him and see how everything starts to change.
Born again Christian life is Supernatural, meaning, you will start to experience supernatural things
(the more you give the more you will receive). (Btw, water baptism is NOT Necessary for Salvation! But it's powerful!).
Ask for the gifts of The Holy spirit and learn to communicate with Him, He can and will answer in many ways,
it depends on you, how. These are the last of the last days, what ever you need to do in this world,
do it now(not sin), the end is nigh and the Body of Christ(born again believers) are leaving before the Tribulation
period(the last years, 7 years of Hell on earth) begins(2022-2023). You are loved.

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