(12) The Naturalist State

1 year ago

Chapter 12: The Naturalist State

A naturalist can act like a selfish politician who misrepresents selfish pride as compassion. A good loving person will self-sacrifice acting as a model, but an evil prideful person will force others to sacrifice acting as an expert.

The majority of public school teachers in California are expected to join at least one of the denominations of the government church. The government church can hold its church meetings in the multipurpose room of a public school on a regular basis. During the faculty meetings, all of the teachers can be encouraged to stay for the government church meetings, but they cannot be forced to attend. Every public school teacher is required to make a mandatory donation to the government church. This mandatory donation is a requirement in order for public school teachers to keep their jobs. The public school teachers automatically have a minimum donation to the government church taken out of their paycheck, which is called an agency fee. The rationale for the mandatory donation is that every public school teacher benefit from political activities of the government church, so every public school teacher must contribute to it. The public school teachers do not have their salaries automatically increase with the standard of living increase because the government church wants all public school teachers to be dependent for salary increase so that it can take credit for it. In order for the public school teachers to have the opportunity to fully take advantage of the services of the government church, a larger donation is required. The government church sends public school teachers its church newsletter on a regular basis which contains propaganda promoting the government church. The government church promises that public school teachers do not have to pay for social security as long as they continue to serve the government church. The government church also promises to ensure that taxpayers will pay for elaborate retirement pensions for public school teachers as long as they contribute to government church.

Naturalism is the secular idea or belief that nothing exists beyond the natural world, and that the spiritual kingdom is not capable of influencing the world. Naturalism is currently the established state church, which has been granted monopoly on public education, public unions, and public debate. The naturalist use different diction to legally allow their religion special distinctions. The naturalists have replaced the phrase “common law” found in the constitution with the new phrase “secular law”, which is not found anywhere in the Constitution. The naturalists call themselves “secular” instead of the “naturalist religion”. The naturalists call their congregations “unions” instead of “churches”.

The irony is that the naturalists chant their slogan “separation of church and state”, but are deeply offended if anyone should even suggest the “separation of union and state”.

It is important to point out that there is a major distinction between state unions and private unions. Private unions, private insurance, and private charity are essential for the equitable distribution of wealth that they themselves created and earned. State unions, state insurance, and state charity demand the inequitable theft of wealth that was created by others and stolen through compulsory taxation. These private organizations are a protection the liberty of citizens to loving self-sacrifice of their own resources. These state organizations are an infringement of liberty by forcing the prideful compulsory sacrifice of other peoples’ resources. Tyrannical prideful people always are convinced they are experts and know how to use other peoples’ resources better than they can, so they have a right to steal it and do so. The resources that are stolen through taxation are then misappropriated and only a remnant does anything productive. The naturalists fund their salaries and programs by leaching off of the compulsory taxation that funds “secular” state organizations.

Is naturalism a religion? Does naturalism contradict other religions? Is naturalism exempted in the common law from legal restrictions that are placed on other non-secular religions?

A naturalist can act like a tyrannical prideful gangster who assaults a person for disapproving of his behavior. The offended gangster feels that everyone should either affirm his behavior or else remain silent. The gangster feels that any opposing opinion is intolerant and justifies retaliatory action. The gangster uses opinions perceived to be detrimental to justify retaliatory action.

The freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to ensure that the common law protected the freedom of religion, which is the right to for people to practice their religion both publically and privately despite the fact that other intolerant people may claim to feel offended by it. The naturalists have coined a term called the “freedom of worship”, which expresses the idea that the exercise of religion should be limited and should only be allowed to be practiced privately but not publically. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect the free exercise of religion and ensure that the freedom of religion would be enshrined in common law.

The bigotry of “freedom of worship” that is being spread in contemporary culture attempts to censure religious beliefs from being practiced and voiced publically in business, education, politics, and public life. The bigotry of “freedom of worship” that is being spread attempts to not only censure religious beliefs, but also to persecute citizens for simply voicing and endorsing their beliefs, values, and principles.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Religious freedom is the right to the free exercise of religion, which includes free speech for religious opinions in all public forums of debate and instruction. The government has the authority to right reach illegal actions only. The government does not have the right to reach illegal opinions nor does the government even have the right to designate opinions as being illegal. An action is illegal because it is inherently detrimental. An action cannot be made illegal based on the perceived detriment from an opinion expressed through free speech. The freedom of speech includes the right for a person to refuse participate in coerced speech, which is to use his or her own property, monetary resources, artistic talents, or speech to promote a product or event that is perceived to be detrimental. The lack of action cannot be made illegal if it is solely a refusal to participate in coerced speech. The freedom of speech is abridged when opinions are censured from free speech or when involuntary opinions are forced in coerced speech. The government has no authority to designate the free speech of a religious opinion in any public forum of debate and instruction an illegal action, or cause to threaten a legal penalty.

The first amendment was written specifically to protect religious freedom. One of the fundamental ways that the first amendment helps protect religious freedom is by enshrining into common law the United States cannot establish an official state religion comparable to The Church of England. We have never had the overt establishment of an official state religion comparable to the Church of England, but we do now have a legal bias given to the naturalist religion through “secular government unions”.

The first amendment was written specifically to protect the right to practice religion both publically and privately, the free exercise of religion. The so called “separation of church and state” is not found anywhere in the Constitution, but rather is distortion used by naturalists to validate their intolerance of other religions by purposely misreading a letter written by Thomas Jefferson:

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature would "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.

President Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter “building a wall of separation between Church and State”, as a reply to the Danbury Baptists who were encountering legal persecution via the government because of their religion, Jefferson was not to referring to shielding the government from the free exercise of religion, but rather he was referring to protecting the free exercise religion from being prohibited by government interference and censorship prompted by other intolerant factions. The wall of separation was built to protect religious beliefs, values, and principles from being censured and persecuted by the government by intolerant factions. The irony is that the naturalists who chant their slogan “separation of church and state” are one of these intolerant factions. Anyone who actual reads the writings of Thomas Jefferson for themselves would realize the hypocrisy. The following is letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to Dr. Thomas Cooper Monticello that illustrates that:

We might as well say that the Newtonian system of philosophy is a part of the common law, as that the Christian religion is. The truth is that Christianity and Newtonianism being reason and verity itself, in the opinion of all but infidels and Cartesians, they are protected under the wings of the common law from the dominion of other sects, but not erected into dominion over them.

The intolerant naturalists who are offended by a government that acknowledges a God and a Creator are offended by the very principles our nation was founded on. The hypocrisy of these intolerant naturalists is apparent simply by reading the Declaration of Independence.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The bigotry of “freedom of worship” spread in contemporary culture misquotes the first amendment, misrepresents the purpose of the first amendment, and perverts the purposeful intentions of the Founding Fathers. If the government only has the right to reach actions only and not opinions, then why should religious opinions be censured from public education and public debate? Only non-secular religions have its opinions (such as the existence of a Creator) censured from public education and public debate. The naturalist religion does not have its opinions (such as the lack of a Creator) censured from public education and public debate, and therefore it has a government established monopoly. The bigotry of “freedom of worship” spread in contemporary culture demands that religious beliefs, values, and principles can only be practiced privately and must be censured from public business, public education, public politics, and public life. There are bigots who feel that the “freedom of speech” is annoying and should be abolished and replaced with only the “freedom of thought”. There are bigots who feel that the “freedom of religion” is annoying and should be abolished and replaced with only the “freedom of worship”. A free society cannot continue to exist if people are censured and persecuted for practicing and voicing their beliefs, values, and principles simply because other intolerant people feel it is offensive to them.

Would you be acting intolerant for taking the action of legally censuring other people when you are offended by what they say and feel their opinion is intolerant? Would you be acting intolerant by causing someone to lose their employment simply because you are offended by an opinion they have expressed through their right to free speech. Does the government have the right to threaten action in order to deter opinions from being freely expressed in public education and other public forums?

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