Mommas, You Don’t Have to Take Your Child to the Pediatrician! | Robert Scott Bell with Teryn Gregson Ep 102

1 year ago

“There’s no reason to have a pediatrician, except in an emergency situation and even then there are others like chiropractors, naturopaths that can aid.” On location at Goody Farms in Joplin, MO, for the Robert Scott Bell Family Union Homestead Event, Host of The Robert Scott Bell Show and Homeopathic Practitioner Robert Scott Bell takes us through how Big Business pushed out the traditional naturopath and homeopathic medicine doctors used to practice and how many parents are yearning to get back to that today.

Robert also discusses the root of why parents and mothers have been convinced they have to see the pediatrician on a schedule, which can set up your child for unnecessary intervention. Instead of listening to that mother’s or father’s intuition, because the power to heal is yours.

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