1 year ago

July 11/ 2023
HAARP Program Is Being Used Against Vermont State Capital With Catastrophic—Severe Flash Floodings That Caused Two Months Of Rain In Just 24 Hours˚…˚
The People Has Never Seen Anything Like This Before Which Is Of Chemtrails And Microwave That Formed Cloud Patterns In The Sky—<>—

White Hats Military Commander General David Berger Heads To Mar~A~Lago👨‍🚀🇺🇸🐝

Former USMC Commandant and White Hat commander General David H. Berger has accepted a new post as President Donald J. Trump’s civilian liaison to the White Hats.

The venerable general had served the nation since 1981, when, as a young infantry officer, he rewrote the book on Ambush tactics the Marines had used since Vietnam. Although senior officers at the time were skeptical of his revised playbook, his tactics proved instrumental in saving Marine lives years later in Iraq and Afghanistan. Berger commanded the 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines from 2002 to 2004, deploying the battalion first to Okinawa, and later to Haiti in support of Operation Secure Tomorrow, among many meritorious commands. On March 26, 2019, President Donald Trump nominated him to succeed General Robert B. Neller and become the 38th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. And in the aftermath of the stolen 2020 presidential election, Gen. Berger vowed to help Trump dismantle the criminal Biden regime and purge the Beltway of swamp creatures. He led battles against innumerable enemies, foreign and domestic.

He stepped down as the White Hat commander shortly before he faced a harrowing ordeal at the hands of CIA kidnappers. Following his rescue by valiant Marines, the general spent time recovering from a brutal beating that left him with a broken kneecap and other significant wounds. He officially retired from the Corps on July 10, 2023.

His career as a decorated officer is the stuff of legends.

If any Marine deserves a comfortable retirement, General Berger does. Before resigning, however, he told President Trump he couldn’t in good conscience “leave the battlefield” while Deep Staters still ran amok in the country, corroding everything they touched, and implored the president to enlist him as a personal liaison to Gen. Smith’s office.

Sources at Mar-a-Lago and Gen. Smith’s office gave Real Raw News some insight into the Trump-Berger conversation and what Berger’s duties might entail.

“Trump initially opposed the idea, but only because he felt Gen. Berger had done his time, earned his battles scars, and ought to enjoy his retirement in peace. But Gen. Berger countered with a convincing argument that his expertise would be invaluable even as a civilian advisor. Trump agreed,” the Mar-a-Lago source said.

Gen. Smith’s adjunct gave more context: “Gen. Berger will not be involved in planning any White Hat operations at all. He can make Gen. Smith’s plans, umm, more understandable to non-military ears. Not that President Trump is dumb about military ops; he spent years advising generals and admirals himself. Generals Berger and Smith will have routine contact. General Berger will also be advising Trump on how to better fortify his properties against a Deep State attack.”

Both sources said that General Berger will alternate his time between Trump’s Mar-a-Lago command center and Bedminster estate in New Jersey, as well as flights on Trump Force One, in case the shit hits the fan while Trump is airborne.

“Even off the battlefield General Berger will still be a crucial player in the war against the Deep State, said Gen. Smith’s adjunct.

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