KABALE Emyooga Saccos boost value addtion practices

1 year ago

Good governance, transparency, determination, unity and passion have been highlighted by Emyooga leaders and beneficiaries from the east as essential tools for the meaningful utilization of the Emyooga seed capital.
The visitation team observed that the success of Emyooga in Kabale district has been attributed to its focus on being a revolving fund to transform livelihoods economically and benefit all members of the community without discrimination or prejudice but not just a one-time presidential token of appreciation.
Candle making, Wine and tailoring are the major value addition productions, Emyooga Sacco’s in kabale boosting household incomes and employment creation.
During a fact-finding mission in Kabale district, Emyooga leaders and beneficiaries from eastern Uganda learned about successful financial literacy strategies against poverty and unemployment. They unanimously resolved to adopt these strategies, which include value addition practices and good governance, in the economically vulnerable communities of Sebei, Bugisu, and Bukedi.
The Microfinance Support Center has played a crucial role in supporting this initiative. Emyooga is a government initiative aimed at providing financial support to communities through Saccos to promote economic development and poverty reduction.
According to resident district commission of Bududa GeorgeOwanyi encourages Emyooga groups to invest in profitable ventures that can increase household incomes and promote economic growth.

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