NFT ART To think is to kill your art by Stefaniasilkarts

1 year ago

You know it. During the process of creation, we are either in bliss, heaven... or stuck. Pretty much one or the other. If it's running well, we are in flow, in harmony. Excellent times, we are on top of the world, and all is well. Other times, oh dear. Sometimes we just don´t get it. Doubt starts creeping in. The flow stops, and we go back and forth on options. How to deal with it?
# You can throw it away, walk away from it all and start again later. Often the expensive version.
# You say "fuck it" and keep going anyhow, if you are lucky, you save your painting (Or whatever you do) against the odds. Mind you, saying (and meaning)"fuck it" has a certain energy it really helps overcome those mediocre moods. In the best of chances, something really unique and special comes out of it.
# The elegant version: You breathe. Look for a little bit of distance. Forget about that nagging dose of self-doubt. You overcome yourself and become insatiable once again. Fabulous!
# The amazing solution: Go the "ho'oponopono" way, the beautiful Hawaiian solution to all problems within you: Say "I Love you." "I am sorry." "Please, forgive me." and "Thank you."
Meaning: Since we are undoubtedly a medium as artists and one with the source, we say "I love you" (also to the problem) and ask for cleaning of our perception. "I am sorry", we take full responsibility for our actions, for the fact we are unaware, and apologize for this unawareness. Also, ask for forgiveness in this case, and of course also thank for it. Do this a few times until you understand the new meaning. Try it! It will clear your heart and confusion. You will feel so much better.
#And the fast truck: Pour yourself a drink. Cheers!
Meine Website: - This is for my whole collection
and here is an NFT Exhibition in the virtual world to see:
Welcome to my new NFT art in space! XXX LOVE; Stefaniasilkarts

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