Freedom Enought 028 - Attempt to De-Program Harvard Girl

1 year ago

Freedom Enough 028 - Attempt to De-Program Harvard Girl

How does mind control work?

How and why do they get you asking all the wrong questions?

Should Americans be proud of their nation?

Are Americans the freest, most privileged people on earth?

What does that even mean?

Hello World, I'm Alexander C. Baker, J.D. Yes, Juris Doctorate, still writing lots of legal briefs in court cases where the the lawyers and judges just make up the law. I'm here to report that the corrupt and utterly immoral court system is just a manifestation of the corrupt and utterly immoral idea of a government.

It's July 23, 2023, today on Freedom Enough #028, Attempt to De-Program Harvard Girl.

"Harvard Girl" is the name I have given to this young lady, whose name I do not know. She's made this video, where she explains that she is an undergrad at Harvard, and was triggered when - on a class trip to Israel - A Rabbi referred to America as the 'best country in the world,' but nobody from her school clapped.

So Harvard Girl wrote this little speech where she scolds her classmates for not appeciating that America has free speech, and that America 3 times during the 20th century saved the world from catastrophe. Harvard Girl complains about wokeism, like, for example, pointing out that the AMA is threatening to remove sex / gender label from birth certifiactes.

I received Harvard Girl's talk from one of my right-leaning, conservative friends. She does a good job of appealing to what I would call traditional conservatives. Trad Cons. Put a different face and voice on there, and this would sound much like what Ronald Reagan would have said in 1980.

I will give Harvard Girl the benefit of the doubt, for now, it hold hope that she is coming from the right place in her heart. When it comes to criticizing the loonly left, of course I'm going to agree. Of course the whole "Gender is a social construt" meme is false, just as much a product of mind control as saying "Race is a social construct."

But adopting the right wing position is just as much the product of mind control and just as insane as the loony left. So, in the hopes of de-programming Harvard Girl, I'm going to respond to the points in her talk.

First, let's listen uninterrupted to the whole talk, which is just under 5 minutes. Look for instances where she demonstrates her insantity, and I will too. Then, I'll break it up in to bites, and respond to each of her points. Here we go, Harvard Girl:

Last spring break, I went on a trip with a hundred other Harvard undergraduates to Israel. It was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life. I will always be grateful to Harvard for that.

• Gratitude is for people. Who planned, and who paid.
• Harvard - not a person. Corporate personhood = mind control.
• Corportate personhood is a legal construct under which an organization is treated as a person, an invisible person who acts in the real world. Of course, the borrowed the idea from religion. The reason they came up with corporate personhood, the reason its important enough to continuously brainwash you with this superstition, is that when the people do bad things, they can blame the invisible guy.
• I didn't do it, the corporation did it.
• Of course, the government is the ultimate example of corporate personhood, and Harvard Girl typifies how the unquestioioning belief in this invisible person - who goes by many names - can lead an otherwise intelligent, rational person into insantiy and evil.

I recall the trip with awe and joy, but a certain moment rattled me. Our group attended a Shabbat dinner at a Tel Aviv Synagouge, and the Rabbi proclaimed, "Welcome to Israel. You are all here from America - the best country in the world!" He paused, but not a single person clapped.

• Including you?
• What do you mean, "country"?
• We are supposed to think of a "country" as a person, an invisible person.
• this person can be either a "good" person that we like and approve of, or a "bad" person that we dislike and are ashamed of or that we condemn.

The Isralis stared in disbelief. Americans are the freest, most privileged people on earth.

• What does freedom mean? How do you measure it?
• Absence of government? Amount of taxes?
• When you add up the cost to the economy of taxes, regulations, borrowing and inflation. the government takes at least about 50%, and probably more like 75 of the average person's wealth, measured as your standard of living, away from you.
• What do you mean "privileged"??
• Key word. Privilege means special treatement which can be given to you - or taken away from you - by your rulers, i.e. your superiors.
• Are you talking about the privileges that blacks and hispanics get at Harvard?
• Are you talking about the so-called "rights" in the U.S. bill of rights, which are at best, not rights but privileges?

Yet many of us are ashamed to show even the tiniest trace of national pride. Why? Because we Americans of recent generataions have been swaddled in prosperity and security, and in consequence have become ungratefull for the blessings we enjoy.

• National pride? Confusing "nation" with "society"
• America is a society built by pioneers
• American so-called colonies were pretty close to stateless
• Prosperity is a function of the market, not government
• Doesn't the government provide security, and don't we need security?
• Security - also should be a private function
• Given the government confiscates over 50% of wealth, how can anyone claim we have security?
• Blessings we enjoy? What does it mean?
• Blessing is a religious term, no suprise, as government is a religion.
• Who does Harvard girl believe "blessed" us?
• Whether stated or un-stated, the fundamental mind-maniupulation is the belief that there exists a supernatural, all-powerful, invisible person that grants privileges and bestows blessings for which we should all be grateful.
• In reality, it's just a bunch of criminals who systematize plunder

It requires vigorus, athletic imagination for most of us to consider the basic, brutal realities that much of the world experiences daily.

• By "much of the world" I assume Harvard girl means many of the people of the world.

• I agree that life in America is less bad than life in many other places, even to this day

• factors (1) Some places have less intelligent (therefore less economically productive) people (2) Some places have even worse governments than the U.S., in terms of treating their own people. (3) Many places have suffered war on their own soil, perpetrated directly or indirectly by the people calling themselves the Unites States military, and financed by the jewish bankers in control of the international bank they have been running since biblical times, and that they cartelized through government action in 1913.

• Did you think it was a conincidence that immediately after imposing central banking, fiat money and the income tax, that there occured WWI, where both sides were financed by the Jewish bankers, and the goal was delivering Palestine to the Jews; then the jewish led Marxist revolution in Russia, the economic and cultural devastation of Germany, and the Great Depression, the communistic measures taken by Frainklin Roosevelt, including confiscating all the gold, which of course only made the economy worse, and then the WWII Second?

• Was all that a conincidence?

Even worse, we have consumed a cultural diet that reduces America to its uglisest moments and dismisses its noble ideals and accomplishments as jingoism.

• "Jingoism" is getting to be an archaic term, I haven't heard it in a while. Dictionary defines Jingoism as 'extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy."

• Who is "We" ?
• What do you mean - Consumed a cultural diet ?
• Reduces America to its ugliest moments?
• What noble ideals?

• Notice how Harvard Girl is pitting "noble ideals" against "ugliest momenet" as if something cannot be ugly and noble at the same time. A slave revolt is ugly, but it is also noble. Right?

• Dismisses America's accomplishments? What accompishments?

• America is not a person, and cannot consume, cannot have ideals or accomplishments. People do. That abstract concept of a "country" does not have any human attributes. These exist only in your mind, becuase you were brainwashed, Harvard girl. We all were. The reason for the brainwashing is so that you will ignore the fact that it is invidual people doing all these things - good and bad - that are attributed to the invisible corporate person called "America" or called "the government"

This nation saved the world from global catastrophe 3x in the 20th century

• Here we go. I suppose by "saving the world 3 times from global catastrophe in the 20th century," Harvard Girl is talking about World War I, World War II, and ... what? Viet Nam? Maybe she counts WWII in Europe as one thing, and WWII in the Pacific against Japan as another. I don't know. Let's just go with it.

• So I'm supposed to view "this nation" as a "hero." Does this hero wear street clothes, or put on a fancy red, white and blue costume? Like Uncle Sam? Or superman? Is that how I'm supposed to picture this imaginary heroic person in your mind?

• Not to flog a dead horse, but "this nation" doesn't exist, so "this nation" cannot be either a hero or a villain. Whatever actions are taken in the real world are taken by individual people. Individuals calling themselves "the presdient" give commands to people calling themselves "generals" giving orders to people calling themselves "soldiers" telling them to do things like shoot other people they never met, or drop bombs on cities, or march onto the beach knowing they are almost certainly going to be killed.

• So, accepting that "this nation" is your metaphor for what individual people are able to accomplish, how, in your mind, is a bloodbath where 70 million human beings were slaughtered constitute "avoiding a catastorphe"?

• When you add it up, 70 million is a reasonably accepted figure for the death toll from WWII all across Europe and in the Pacific and Japan.

• If you really want to believe that the World Wars were worth fighting, and that good came from them, then you are simply reciting the official narrative.

• WWI was making the world safe for democracy. Is that what you believe? War certainly doesn't make the world safe from government, does it? Germany was forced to become a contsitutional democratic republic after WWI.

• Did the Wiemar Republic's Constitution stop Adolph Hitler from imposing National Socialism, where he took over all of the private businesses and turned the "nation" into a war machine?

• Did the U.S. Constitution stop Franklin Roosevelt from doing exactly the same thing in "America" ? Did you know that the government took over the Big 3 auto manuracturers and forced them to stop making cars, and to start making tanks?

• My Mother was 12 years old in WWII, and she was made to work at the Durham Manufacturing Company in Muncie Indiana, assembling land mines. Did you know that the U.S. government took over the entire economy and forced everyone to work towards the "war effort?"

• We've all heard of the Nazi prison camps, but did you know that Frankline Roosevelt ordered all Japanese Americans to be captured, imprisoned and used for slave labor during WWII? That Japanese people were portrayed in the govern-media as sub-human?

• Jews were ultimately paid billions and billions of dollars in so-called "reparations," even to those Jews who were never imprisoned. The Japanese were never paid one cent. Why not?

• And while you start to ponder why the Jews always seem to get different treatment than everybody else, ponder this: Why was the jewish Boshevik Communist revolution in 1917 re-named the Russian revolution?

• Why did "America" side with Jewish communist Soviet Union in WWII?

• If "Germany" was wrong to invade Poland in 1939, then why were the communists allowed to occupy Poland - and half of Europe - for another half-century?

• Wasn't the real purpose of both world wars to expand the jewish communist empire, including conquering Palestine and giving Jerusalem back to the Jews, who were evicted 2000 years prior?

• How can you believe that the U.S. is not a communist country, when, in additon to siding with the Soviets in the war, the U.S. has ALL of the element of communism? - central bank, public education, income tax, property tax, and an all out war on the nuclear family?


• It is the Soviets who committed genocide, and later, the U.S. and Brits.

• Even though there is no evidence for the so-called holocaust, I still don't like Nazis.

• Nazis are National Socialists.
• Your rhetoric is very much in line with National Socialism.


this country has grown to treat racial, ethnic and religious minorities with equlaity and respect compared to other places and times on earth.

• this country doesn't treat anybody any way, because this country is not a person.
• to entertain your metaphor, it is simply false to believe that there is equal treatment under the law.
• how can you believe that this imaginary person respects me when it takes half of my property? That's not respect.
• There cannot possibly be equal treatment under the law, and at the same time, a ruling class.

This is the nation where people are not constrained by their gender, religion or class - but can work to achieve a better life.

• False. There is a ruling class, and there is everybody else.
• Sure we can work, and the ruling class forcibly takes bacially half of eveything for itself. It's extortion. It's robbery. Under the defintion by Karl Marz himself - it is communism. I know YOU don't want to all it that. But it is.

In this nation, we can criticize our government, secure in the knowledge that we will rise the next morning, and our country will still respect our rights.

• Havard girl, your imaginary person does not respect our rights. In fact, in the original version of the Constitution, the word "rights" doesn't even appear. Yes, they added a so-called "Bill of Rights" but it doesn't mean anything.

• Moreover, who cares if I can criticize the government? I, and a lot of other people critiize the government, and we can just be marginalized as "conspiracy theorists." Did you know that the government-controlled medical establishment has now officially declared that belief in conspiracies is a mental illness that can get you incarcerated, that is, involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital? did you know that? If I can prove that to you, Harvard Girl, would you change your opinion about whether we have free speech?

• "We" and "this nation" are still allies and friends with the European "nations," all of which make questioning the Holocaust

• By the way, don't you dare call it "our" government. It's not my government, I never consented to it. Harvard girl, do you know the difference between rape and lovemaking? I hope you do. The physical act is the same. The only difference is consent, or the lack of consent.

• We don't have rights. We have privileges. You were right the first time. Rights are unalienable. They cannot be taken away. The so-called Bill of Rights says...

We view these things to be our birthright - our permanent and guarantedd condition, but they are not.

• Freedom is so a birthright. The only thing that protects those rights is self-defense. No person calling themselves the government could possibly be trusted to protect my rights, because the very first thing that person wants is permission to tax me, which violates my rights to be secure in my property.

• HArvard girl - sorry, but you, like most people, are laboring under an insane deluision. It's the belief in, as Hans Hoppe would say, the expropriating property protector. It's the belief that to protect ourselves from some people who would intitiate violence against us, we give permission to some people to initiate violance against us. That is irrational. It is insance. Literally.

• It leads to such ridiculous thoughts in your head that a situation where 70 million innocent people were slaughtered, and shot, and bombed, and incinerated i firebombing, and intentionally starved to death - that all this was avoiding a catastrphe. And another who-knows-how-many-million who lost arms and legs, and eyeballs, and thier sanity. And who were then experimented on with lobotomy.

• I can perhaps give you a pass if you just don't know what WWII was. If you go an verify what I'm saying, and you then come back and say, you know, Alexander BAker was right. We didn't avoid a catastrophe, we - however you want to deine "we" - We CAUSED a catastrophe. I could respect that.

• But if you know what WWII was all about, and you still want to somehow say that America saved the world - like this tall, rugged handseom man put on a tight-fitting Red, White and Blue super-hero costume and untied the hapless lady tied to the railroad tracks, if you want to continue spewing that "we" saved the world from catastrophe, then you disguest me. You literally make me want to vomit, that is how twisted, depraved and utterly immoral you provable are.

They exist only because past generatations have sacrificed to secure and maintain them.

• HArvard girl is talking about our rights supposedly exist, and how World War somehow saved them.

• That is such a patently evil mental construct, it should hardly require explanation.

• Historically, it is always war that is the pretext for taking away our so-called rights, actually privileges, not protecting them. Good lord. Fighting a war to keep the peace. Shooting people to protect them. Taxing you to make you prosperous. Suspending due process and the Writ of habeaus corpus so that you rights are protected.

• Pure insanity. Literally. I'm not just saying I disagree with you. I'm saying that your beliefs are the product of an irrational, insance delusion. Divorced from reality.

And to our discredit, we have used these blessings - not to strengthen our country - but to tear it down.

• The blessings of perpetual war? Of relentless taxation? Of a brutal ruling class that enslaves all but the top 1% ? Those blessings?

• Strenghten our country? Like this imaginary person you believe in goes to the gym, and pumps iron and gets strong? What do you mean to strenghtn our country? If it means anything, it means to increase the size and scope and expenditure of government. print more money. Raise taxes even higher. Wage more war. Expand the welfare state even more. Give the WHO even more power to tell us what poison we have to stab into our bodies, whether we consent or not. Is that what you mean by a stronger "countery?"

• At what point, Havard Girl, would you say that the "country" is strong enough?

We members of this University, and we Americans have shirked our responsibility as the most privileged cohort on Earth.

• This is collectivist thought and sounds downright Marxist. What do you mean "our" responsibility? Who, in your mind, is responsible to whom, and in what way? What do you even mean? How would you determine that if "we" became responsible, the way you think "we' should? What do "we" have to do?

• The way "we" do things collectively is by electing rulers and allowing the rulers to command us to do this or that. What, Harvard girl, would you propose that are rulers command us to do that would satisfy your preferce for how "we" might finally satisfy and live up to "our" repsonsibilty?

• Again, "we" are the most privileged people on earth? What privilege? Privilege to do what? What superior granted this privilege? Is this the imaginary invisible person again? Or who? Or what?

We have remained cringingly silent in the fact or corrosive ideas, woke culture, that has corrupted our institutions, and severed the bonds that hold our country together.

• No, "we" have not remained silent about wokeism. Wokeism is just aspects of communism, and of course it's wrong. And there are people trying to speak out.

• How do you suppose Wokeism is being implanted in people's minds? It's throught the government education system, and the news and entertainmend media. And who, really is behind all that? If you want to take a clear look at history, that is, REAL history, you will learn that this intentional debasing and degrading of the moral fabric of society is not new, and it is not unique to America, or to the West in recent years.

• Did you know that the Jewish-run alcohol, drugs, prostitution, and pornogrpahy institutions were consuming Germany, particularly Berlin, in the post WWI era, when the German economy was in total ruin? Did you know that it was almost entirely Jewish people who were running those businesses?

• Did you know that the Jews have a long, long history of using that same strategey to attempt to take over control of nations? That is, by first running the money and banking institution, so that they can lend money to politicians, who force the taxpayers to repay the jews, and then also promoting the use and abuse of alchohol and drugs? This more or less descibes what happened in Russia, in Poland, in Spain, in Germany and many other places for like, 1000 years. If you think that the hatred of the Jews by the Christians in so many places throughout history was just random?

• What do you mean "our" institutions? This is collectivist thinking. As long as you accept the idea that your are going to have, for example, government schools, you will forever have a fight on your hands as to whose values and preferces you want to impose on everyone else. This is why Marx understood that the institution of public education was such an important element of communism.

• You're not against government brainwahsing per se, are you? No, you're not. You just want to use government brainwashing to impose your prefersences and your values on everyone.

• It is long past time to question - not which values and preference are being imprinted on the yound impressionalbe children - but WHETHER there even ought to be any collectivist approach to this at all. The solution is - NO. There should not. It should be up to parents to influence their own children, both directly, and throught their VOLUNTARY choice of what sort of school is right foe ghtier particular children.

The New York Times won a pulitzer prize for reporting that the sole purpose of the American revolution was to preserve slavery. And we remain silent.

• Once you understand that citizenship IS slavery, the New York Times was not wrong. I know that's not what they meant, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. But that's what we should be talking about. Remember, if they get you asking the wrong questions, they don't care about answers.

The Oregon dept. of Education asserts that showing your work, and finding the right answer in math is white supremacist, and we remain silent.

• The obvious solution is to remove education from government control. Let parents choose schools for their children the same way they choose clothing and food and everything else for their children - based on what they think is best, and what they can afford. Remember, if we just got rid of the government, everybody would be far richer, and far better to afford much more education, and more of everything else.

The AMA has stated that the U.S. should remove gender from birth certificates, and we remain silent.

• What, are you surprise that the AMA would make a statement that is this divorced from reality? Why are you surprised?

• Did you know that they gave a Nobel Prize to the lobotomist Egas Moniz? Did you know that Lobotomy was held out in the popular press as being a safe and effective treatment for mental illness?
• Did you know that many mainstream medical studies were published showing that lobotomy was safe and effective?
• Did you know about the Tuskeggee experiment?
• Did you know about dozens of other examples of involuntary human medical experimentation that's been going on for the longest time, far longer than the recent involuntary humans medical experiment regarding the mRNA injections.
• What do you expect when you give the people - calling themselves the government - control over medical decisions?
• What is a birth certificate anyway? It's a government claim of a new human as its property. Why don't you question the existence of government birth cirtificates AT ALL, instead of trying to impose your values about gender on everyone.

• Look, I agree with you, of course its insane to pretend that sex or gender is a social construct, of course it is a biological reality. But the insanity comes from allowing a fundamentally criminal organization - called government - to make these decisions for "us" in the first place.

• By the way, the AMA didn't say anything. A person, a human, calling themselves a spokerperson for the AMA, said that. Really, this personification and diefication has got to stop. It is the source of your insanity, Harvard Girl.

Howard Zinn, the author of the most widely read history text in American Public Schools said that "America has done more bad than good." And we remain silent.

• Before we can say whether this imaginary invisible super-hero person called "America" did more bad than good, or more good than bad, we first need an agreed-upon standard for good and bad. For right and worng.

• In my view, the correct defintiion is: the intitiation of force or fraud against the person or property of another is always wrong. Anything else - including the defense against such agreesion - is OK.

• What is your defintiion of right and wrong? Of good and bad? Because, if you don't operate from defintiions and principles, you're just making noise. Is that all you want, Harvard girl? Or do you want to make sense?

• If your definition of "good" is whatever makes the govrnment "stonger," then taxing, borrowing, inflation, counterfeiting and war are very very good. Is that your definition? It kind of seems to be.

• Harvard Girl, let's see if we can infer your principles from what you say. According to you, WWII represents the avoidance of a catasrophe. You also say that AMerica should be "stronger" and I think you mean the government should be stronger. From that, I deduce that your definition is that whatever a person calling themselves a government official commands you to do is right. And disobedience of government officials is wrong.

If we are ashamed to be American, then the shame should be on us.

• Not to put to fine of a point on it, but this is simply a tautolgy, and assuming your own conclusion.

• What is an American anyway? I love and respect what used to be American society. Again, a society built almost completely in the absence of government. But, am I automatically a citizen of the United States, just by the accident of my geographic location when I was born? That is the the mainstream view.

• You certainly couldn't call that the consent of the governed, now could you? Newborn babies cannot consent to anything, right? Can we at least agree on that much?

Too many use their freedom of speech to advocate suspending it for all who disagree with them. What a litany of dishonesty.

• If government didn't have the power to silence, this wouldn't be a problem.

• Long history of infirngments to free speech.

We are using our privilege to undermine the very system that has given us that privilege.

• You are correct to use the word privilege, instead of rights. We have privileges granted to us by the rulers, calling themselves the government. Those privileges were not granted by a "System," because "system" is just another name for that invisible super-hero person that you supersitiously believe in.

• The notion that the rulers would allow their hapless slaves to use their privileges to undermine the authority and control that the rulers have worked so hard on for so long, that's misses the point.

• The inesacable conclusion to be reached from your words is that we need greater government control over people. Considering control is almost total already, well, where can we go from here?

AMerica, despite its failings, is that last great stand on earth. We must speak up against this now, or our civilization will face a somber reckoning.

• America is obviously not an independent nation any more. Not that that would be a good thing. There has been a progression from local government in colonial America, to state and county based government after the revolution, to the addition of an intitially very small (but still abusive) federal government in 1787, to the great expansion of the scope of the federal government during the so-called Civil war, to the the creation of the Fed in 1913, which led to opening the floodgates of total war and total government in WWI and WWII, to the one-world government which has existed since that time, but made completely obvious during 2020 and the global command-and-control human rights abuses prdicated on the false flag terror event called Covid - there has been a relentless expansion and centralizing of control ovoer the world's resources and people.

• Harvard girl, You are concerned about "civilization" good. # MeToo. This tells me that, as misguided as your mind is, that maybe, just maybe your heart is in the right place.

• But before you ask what sorts of government policies would make for a good civilization, take a step back and quesiton your underlying assumptions. Why do you assume that a good civilization requires or even wants a ruling class?

• Why should anybody have permission to rule other people?

• How about considering that the idea of government was nothing more, and nothing less, than a meothod by which the criminal element in society - that is the people who wanted to steal and plunder rather than producing - for them to instutionlize their plunder.

• When you strip away the mind control, which begins by refusing to personify imginary creatures, whether heaping praise or scorn on them. Instead, learn to see government for what it is - a small group of individual, flesh-and-blood people making excuses to dominate all the rest of the world's people and control the world's resources, for their own benefit.

• Harvard Girl, you say America is a free country. No it isn't. As long as the rulers can commit taxation and inflation and warfare and mind control, we are not free. But you care about freedom, otherwise, you wouldn't bring it up. But the question is, do you care about freedom enough to do what it takes. Freedom enough.


Harvard Girl, Alexander C. Baker, J.D., mind control, corporate person, WWI, WWII, making the world safe for democracy,

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