Spiritual Planet - Flaws of the Central Bank centrist model - True Freedom is

1 year ago

(Skip over the first 4 minutes of background issues if you like.) An in-depth discussion of fundamental flaws of Western civilization, the NWO (the powers who shouldn't be, illuminati, WHO, WEF, U.N., Rockefeller, central bank model) and what needs to be changed to purge the filth and corruption from our Planet. Earth is MY home, Earth is OUR home, they have lost the moral imperative to operate on this planet.

Their model is built on these flawed concepts:
a. Forever growth (impossible on a closed system, e.g. Earth)
b. Central production with disparate distribution model (it doesn't work, is inefficient, it only enriches the central owners)
c. Allipathic medicine (hospitals, Rx drugs, surgery). Homeopathic medicine (prevention and healing) worked for 10,000 years before John D. Rockefeller came along with allipathic radical medicine (a way for him to profit from his petroleum empire. All Rx's are made from oil.)
d. Central banks / World banks - are solely control mechanisms to enslave you thru controlling your money. Free trade is the ultimate good, and is Freedom #1.
e. All the milk cows on the planet produce enough milk for one cup per person per day - there is plenty of food for us. BUT, we are nearing the maximum load.
f. All populations self-regulate. China U.S. and Japan populations, for instance, are shrinking. So much so that the govt's pay parents to have more children in China. No artificial depopulation is needed.
- Listen to the video for complete treatment

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