Weekly Torah "Plus" Highlights - Year 1, Week 18

1 year ago

This week's Torah "Plus" covers:
Genesis 21:1-34; Jasher 21:1-48, 22:1-14,40-55; Jubilees 16:11-31, 17:1-18
Abraham and Sarah finally have their own son, born in their old age! Hagar and Ishmael are removed from the camp, and the Philistine leader Abimelech seeks to make a covenant of peace with Abraham.

1 Samuel 2:21-28
Hannah, the barren wife of Elkanah, has a firstborn son, Samuel, and continues to bear other sons and daughters!

Matthew 1:18-25
The virgin Mary miraculously bears a son named Jesus/Y'shua (YHWH saves)!


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