Mass Matter Function Interaction of Momentum Part 3 & 4

1 year ago

So, breaking down the interaction of the Universe, Energy and Dark Energy, with Hydrogen as the Simplest form of Matter, with its Nucleus; Protons and Neutrons and Ultimately Quarks as the foundation of Mass or Matter, compressed and bound by Entanglement Energy forever connected from the Mass of which they originated, each atom with a virtual shaft, on one side of the Pole, connected to the Heart of the Black Hole from which they are entangled, on the other side of the Pole is the Energetic Potential of Infinite Energy, each atom in its structure forming a Spring of Energetic Potential, visualized as a shaft with a tightly wound string of Energy, in many ways representing a coil magnet.

Now, how this Matter interacts with Dark Energy and how it is able to maintain structure and not unravel instantaneously is the key to the whole show – as even the word “Instantaneously” is a representation of Time – and Time is the key to the Equation, Evolution and Foundation of All!

You could look at Time as Rate of Decay of Matter, as Matter Decays it is actually unraveling, decompressing and converting its Energy into Dark Energy, or Space – so this is also visualized as a “Tick Rate” – I will dive deeper in a moment, but the “Tick Rate” or “Time” is all bound by the “Environment” – This is Classic Relativity – This is Space-Time and this is Quantum Mechanics all combined into one Unified Theory.

(Of note – Iron is King – all Major Mass when compressed hard enough will transfuse into Iron – Hydrogen, through compression will convert through the base elements to Iron – exotic elements that do not occur in stars, or occur in low quantity levels are not entered into these equations and the Standard Model and Periodic Table are not challenged)

Upon this logic, one can conclude that all Matter is a form of Time, all Matter is a Battery of Energy, of Time Energy, and regardless of its configuration, the core fundamental foundation is the Quark, and it’s Energy Potential…

To dive deep into Matter you also have to dive into the nature of Dark Energy – and understand what the interaction is between the two – for that we need to look at the Dark Energy Field further

The Dark Energy Field is a Computation of sorts, and can only interact at a specific defined rate for the state it's in – that is to say there are different states to the Dark Energy Field – or what I like to call Quantum Gravity – At each state of the Dark Energy Field, the interaction with Matter changes, the more Dark Energy, the more interaction with Matter and the more Time can pass, or the higher the “Tick Rate” – the more Dark Energy the Faster Time and Light occur

Looking at the Universe we break this down into 10 States of the Dark Energy Field, or 10 States of Quantum Gravity – at each State the rate of Time and therefore the Speed of Light changes – the more Dark Energy; the more Time.

So, the same force that creates Gravity is the same force as all, but you have to remember the definition of Quantum Leap… We know that EVERYTHING behaves based on a Quantum State, if there is a circle from 1, 2, 3, 4 all the way to 10, and there is no gradient in between… Then; The Dark Energy Field Effect will behave differently at each state

Each “Shell” of these States is defined by a Magnetic Field, or “Gravity Field” as Matter progressively gets Heavier/Denser – Dark Energy progressively gets Lighter/Thinner – Where Dark Energy progressively gets Heavier/Denser – Matter Progressively gets Thinner/Lighter –

How can that be you ask – that is a Paradox! Answer is: Electromagnetic Energy is caused by Matter moving over the Dark Energy Field – the heavier the field the more Electromagnetic Energy –

Electromagnetic Energy comes at a cost – at the Quanta of the Interaction between Energy (Matter) and Dark Energy electric charges generate and attempt to grip each other, though never strong enough to make a lasting Entanglement – they are in fact the “Simple Entanglement” – the Wave Particles – Photons and Electrons , they are the very cause of the “Speed of Light” and the reason for the limitation of the “Movement of Matter” over the Dark Energy Field –

So, as the Field gets heavier; Matter tends to slow – as Matter slows, it gets lighter, as it gets lighter it gets “thinner” – the effect can be seen by Hyper Velocity Star Explosions…!!! – as a Star gets ejected from its Galaxy; and its original State of Gravity – as it moves out of the Galaxies Shell (“Quantum State of Gravity”, “Magnetic Field”, or “Gravity Zone”) –

It enters into a “Heavier Dark Energy Zone” – its Momentum in this new zone causing it to become very energetic, and it's gonna pop one way or another! It’s increase in Electromagnetic Energy can cause it to Supernova, or it will get very energetic and burn through its fuel, start to slow down, to the point that it gets too light and wants to get thinner – and that it does – again – Supernova – poor Star!

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