William Cooper - Dimensions in Parapsychology (1991)

1 year ago

Bill appears on Dimensions in Parapsychology Television Program (1 Hour).

This is an interview with Bill around the gulf war period and he goes over some good material. This video was done by a couple that had a local access T.V. channel and a regularly scheduled show. They interview Bill on various topics.

It is a definition of the various dimensions and facets of one's being. Parapsychology is the umbrella of scientific study of everything that has heretofore been considered paranormal. It has been associated with the psychic consciousness, PSI, telekinesis, and all the various aspects of telepathy.

Parapsychology is the study of paranormal and psychic phenomena which include telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, apparitional experiences, and other paranormal claims. It is identified as pseudoscience by a vast majority of mainstream scientists.

Parapsychology research is largely conducted by private institutions in several countries and funded through private donations, and the subject rarely appears in mainstream science journals. Most papers about parapsychology are published in a small number of niche journals.

Source: Bill Cooper

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