Freeform Live Q&A 01-12-2019

6 years ago

READ THIS FIRST: Life, as it has been doing recently, has thrown me another curve ball. My laptop charger unceremoniously died last night, without warning. It happened while I was finishing my charts for today's mini-course. As fate would have it, I did not notice my battery draining until it was about to shut off. I furiously tried to transfer my materials onto a flash drive before the computer winked out, to no avail. My laptop powered down during the transfer.

While I sat there staring at my dead computer and no way to fix the issue before my mini-course, I had no idea what to do. I thought about cancelling, but thats never an ideal solution. So, what I came up with is having a "Freeform LIVE Q&A" today, during which I will answer whatever questions you all throw at me. I will not have any formal charts prepared (all of my prior Q&A charts are still on my dead computer so I can't pull them up either). However, I will go through a quick forecast of the Sun today that I am hoping will jump start some dialogue. Also, I can go over some of the AMS highlights in a bit more detail as well.

As for the "Coronal Mass Ejections and Aliens" Mini-Course, I want to reschedule that one for a week or two down the road-- essentially as soon as my new macbook charger arrives. I ordered it online and it should be here in about a week to 10 days. Hopefully, you all are up to having two mini-courses back to back?

When life gives you lemons....

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