7 God breathed truths proving the existence of God and that the 2nd coming is here.

1 year ago

In 30 AD preachers for the religions of men crucified the Son of God because the ways of men cannot compete against the ways of God John 11:48; 1 Cor. 2:6-16. Modern subjective truth and pseudo-science preaching, bibles, and religions are the great falling away from the first coming of the ways of God 2 Thess. 2:3, 10 in 340 AD.
No preacher, bible, or religion of men can explain the mysteries of the Kingdom Matt. 13:11, because no prophecy from God is of private interpretation. We have had all of the words of God, but no preacher or religion of men can understand them Isa. 55:8ff.
Seven truths about Christ and His Kingdom, so powerful, they were a mystery, hidden away and sealed up for 1680 years Rev. 5:1; Eph. 1:9, 1 Cor. 2:6-16, etc. The Lord has always been in complete control as to who will, and when they will, understand the mysteries of the Kingdom Matt. 13:11. He does not cast His pearls before swine.
The keys to the Kingdom 2 Pet. 3:8. One day to Jehovah, the Lord's day or the Lord's Sabbath is as a day to Jehovah, but to men, it is a thousand years divided into two ages by the apostasy Eph. 2:7; 2 Thess. 2:3, the first coming of the ways of Jehovah, and the second coming of the ways of Jehovah Isa. 55:8ff. The first horseman of the apocalypse, Christ, Who has all authority, and is the only authorized mediator/preacher between God and man, will wield from heaven the Sword of the Spirit, the Bible, in part, against the mega sword of Satan in the last days' Heb. 1:2 at the first coming of the ways of the Lord and is now during the second Matt. 10:34. So there are two comings, appearings, revealings, apocalypses of the ways of Jehovah which are as high as the heavens, and exceeding abundantly greater than men's ways Isa. 55:8ff; Eph. 3:20 ff. One faith, from God, Christianity, the Perfect Law of Liberty, or the Rod of Iron, when restored, is how Christ will rule over the Kingdom of Heaven. Two great falls of man Gen. 2:17-4:12, and 2 Thess. 2:3. There are two 43-year times of spiritual warfare that are a transfer of power, from Satan to the Lord. THE FIRST SEAL BROKEN IS THAT CHRIST DOES NOT HAVE ALL AUTHORITY AND THAT HE IS NOT THE ONLY MEDIATOR OR PREACHER BETWEEN GOD AND MAN.
Spiritual warfare is between the ways of God, His preaching, the Bible, and Kingdom versus the preaching, Bible, and kingdoms of men., preaching, Bible and kingdom of God versus the preaching, bibles, and kingdoms of men. In 30 AD preachers of men crucified the Son of God because they could not compete with Him John 11:48; 1 Cor. 2:6-16. Satan rules over the kingdoms of men with the ways of men for 6,000 years, and Christ rules over His Kingdom for 1,000 years, divided into two ages. Spiritual warfare is the 43-year transition between the subjective truth preaching and pseudo-science of men versus the supernatural objective truth preaching of Christ. The Sword of the Spirit is back identifying Satan, the second horseman of the apocalypse Rev. 6:4, as the man of sin, Satan convinced Job that he was God 2 Thess. 2:3-4; Job. For Satan to rule over the kingdoms of men, he was allowed to seal up the Bible Rev. 5:1ff and has been pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:4, fallen angels, lizard people, whoever or whatever is necessary 2 Cor. 11:14, to convince men that Christ does not have all authority and power. Satan has been "fact-checking" everything we thought we knew about God, the Bible, and spiritual warfare! The father of all liars, lying to us, is how we believed in every crazy wind of the doctrine of men. It is why we like Saul, before his conversion have been kicking against the pricks in all good conscience. Men could never have even tried to fight against God, if He had not hidden His face, power, glory, majesty, and Bible from us for 1680 years THE SECOND SEAL BROKEN IS THAT SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS BETWEEN MEN AND FALLEN ANGELS, OR LIZARD PEOPLE, OR ALIENS FROM THE INSIDE OR THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, ETC.
The preaching, Bible, one faith from God Christianity and the Kingdom of God is as high as the heavens above the ways of men, exceeding abundantly greater than we could have imagined Isa. 55:8ff; Eph. 3:20ff.; Hos. 14:6. THE THIRD SEAL BROKEN IS THAT THE WAYS OF MEN ARE AS GOOD AS, IF NOT BETTER THAN, THE WAYS OF GOD
The ways of men are how Satan brings suffering upon humanity and steals our peace Rev. 6:4. Satan and other demons are spirits of dead evil men. The sins of men are recorded in the Bible, to illustrate that we cannot guide our paths safely, much less the paths of others Jer. 10:23. We are flawed and will always have thumbs on the scales of justice, but in these last days, more demons have the opportunity to escape their chains in hades, to give evil every chance possible to try and oppose God. Demons are regrouping for 43 years of spiritual warfare where they will bring more suffering, slavery, famine, and woes to humanity. The ways of Jehovah are back, He will be victorious, and in about 2066 there will be peace on earth. THE FOURTH SEAL BROKEN IS THAT MEN CAN BE LIKE THE PRINCE OF PEACE, GUIDE OUR PATHS AND BRING PEACE TO EARTH.
Gnostic religions of men do not suffer persecution as Christians, we bring suffering upon ourselves because Gnostic men cannot make Christians! It is not in man to guide his paths Jer. 10:23. We must patiently endure the suffering of the ways of men until the second coming, revelation, or apocalypse of the ways of God with the second age of Christianity James 5:7-11. THE FIFTH LIE OF SATAN IS THAT WE SUFFER PERSECUTION BECAUSE WE ARE CHRISTIANS. NO! THE FATHER OF ALL LIARS LIED TO US, WE CANNOT BE CHRISTIANS WITHOUT THE WAYS OF JEHOVAH 2 THESS. 2:10; ROM. 5:13; ACTS 17:30. We have always had the words of the Bible, we just couldn't understand those words! No wonder there is a great celebration in the heavenly scene at the breaking of the seven seals Rev. 5:1, it has given to us the Sword of the Spirit, the Bible in part 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Micah 7:15.
Christ gives us an outline of the New Testament the 43-year timeline of Christian spiritual warfare Rev. 8-12. I suspect they are Gnosticism versus Gnosticism Rom. 13:4 (Rome versus Jerusalem), The Sword of the Spirit versus the Mega sword of Satan 1 Cor. 2:6-16. And the Destroyer 1 Cor. 10:10 or Space weather - objective science from God versus pseudo-science from men. The sun will turn black and the moon red before the great and terrible day of the Lord. As of 2023, it is in about 43 years, or 2066 AD. THE SIXTH SEAL OF SATAN IS THAT THE WORLD IS BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD AND EVERYTHING WILL CONTINUE AS IT HAS FROM THE BEGINNING, WE DON'T NEED THE WAYS OF GOD TO SAVE US FROM OURSELVES.
Only Christ will be sanctified and glorified when the Bible is restored on the great and terrible day of the Lord and for the last 720 years of Christianity. The meek will inherit the earth ruled over by the King of Kings at the great wedding feast with every spiritual blessing in Christ, Matt. 5:5; Matt. 7:21ff. THE SEVENTH SEAL BROKEN IS "WE WON'T DIE" GEN. 3:4. If you are alive in 43 years and haven't repented of the ways of men Rev. 18:4, not only will space weather kill you, but you will die the second death too.

For books on the Sword of the Spirit


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