Just Venting, Calling out the White Hats, EES, and what happened to real healing and relief?

1 year ago

In this video I just was pissed and went on a rant on various things. I've shown my face in a few videos, now you show yours White Hats or whatever you are who claim to liberate humanity from the evil doers. No more games, distractions, theater, BS, no more psychological operations, 5D chess, 80% awakening level, and no more playing God that always ends badly. All under the guise of control, orders, safety, and power.
Just so you know we live in the land of the fee and the home of the slave. This whole system is based on consent. Without our manufactured consent they can't continue their evil agendas. Still, I blame those who knew better, but went along with the agendas. Not only do we have those under cognitive dissonance, but under the conformist mindset, ignorance, and mass psychosis. The spell-casting is beyond obvious. Those under the conformist mindset understand only three languages: conform/obey, stand down orders, and/or are taken down themselves. This battle is not only good vs evil, but the battle of the moralists vs the conformists, and the wise vs the fools. Why vote for those who would rob and rule you better?

Natural news article where I said as "someone" as follows: “Control, depopulation, and separation from God sells big,” this same person added. “More important to resist and don’t comply. Our bodies are pharmacies as created by God, not Pharmakeia.” https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-03-05-bieber-cancels-tour-covid-vaccine-facial-paralysis.html#

As with the real healing and relief that should be freely given and freely received. If the real MedBeds are for real, why aren't there training programs so more can learn and help others? As for the Energy Enhancement System (EES) https://www.eesystem.com/ they really need to lower their prices way lower than $60 per hour to sit in a room and relax. Including making this energy tool way more affordable so you can have this in your home, in other public places, including rehab, schools, homeschooling, and in senior communities. Those who can afford the EES have the means and the connections to do so. Other than that it's a money laundering scheme.

Stress kills big time, among other things that are impacting your morale as well. That includes the weather warfare operations, losing your ability to support yourself and your loved ones, from homelessness, illness, and death. So many are suffering not only the animals, but the people and the environment as well. It's not just the weather weapons, but the EMF's, Gaslighting, Indoctrination, Propaganda, and Psychological Operations, and much more. Reality is not everyone will operate the same as you do. No matter how much or how one prepares only lasts temporarily. There will always be those who are not only liars, cheaters, but SOB's that will screw with you. Philosophies never change. Also, you will have those who believe what works for them works for everyone. As they get so arrogant and feel they are far superior than you, while they say one thing, but do another. There's no reasoning with these type of people. What's lack are common sense, critical and rational thinking, morals, and principle. Remember what Jesus said about cleaning the cup from the inside out as the only thing that you can change is yourself and how you conduct yourself with the time that you have. As there is a time for everything.

God's children aren't for sale. So what's being done with further rescuing the children and the adults from these evil bastards? How can more be involved not only in the rescue, but the support as well?

I've put together plenty on Operation Disclosure Official, as I'm not posting as much because I've had enough not only the burnout, but the stress as well of not getting the answers that are needed. https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/?s=truthisunbreakable

This video was added to this piece. https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2023/07/30/reader-truthisunbreakable-old-system-collapse-by-design-for-better-or-for-worse/

Please help Carol from NeverLoseTruth not go homeless. I have donated to her before, please help her and her three cats.

Please help me regain my independence and relieve the pain that I am in so this doesn't get any worse and don't want to go paralyzed. As for now, the inflammation and pain has subsided, but my anatomy needs to be corrected professionally. I've seen far worse than this. As for my Mom, she is doing fine as her brain aneurysm behind her left eye is not as severe as we thought. She will do the "watch and wait" and go back in six months to review further. It's her anxiety, idiosyncrasies, and her being more dependent is what I am worried about. I am not just using the funds for myself, but to pay it forward, because I've seen others in worse shape. Any help would be most appreciated, thank you. https://www.givesendgo.com/TruthIsUnbreakable


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