Something Happened On The Way To Heaven - Phil Collins - Bass Cover | 2021 G&L L-2500 bass

1 year ago

Nathan East, who was the bassist for Eric Clapton, Michael Jackson, and others performed on the studio recording for this uptempo hit song by Phil Collins. It peaked at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1990. Lee Sklar @lelandsklar6363 performed the song on several tours with Phil over the decades. He recorded himself playing along with a recording of this song on tour here (and it's definitely worth a watch):

It was a fun song to learn and super fun to play because the bass line is such a distinctive instrument on this track.

My daughter, Gemma, encouraged me to play this on "Honeyburst" because I've been playing my Ibanez so much lately. She thought it was getting a little neglected. Still love the G&L.

I recorded this using a 5-string 2021 G&L L-2500 bass guitar into a Fender Rumble Stage 800 amp. I recorded the audio from the amp's DI direct to GarageBand and synced the video from a iPhone 12 Pro Max forward facing camera.

My gear:
My scheduled performances:

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