Milwaukee Masonic Lodges Line Up To That Suits Another Egyptian Ritual in 2024

1 year ago

I came across this on the Wisconsin Freemasonic site. As these lodges not only line up to the Pyramids of Giza, but Orion's belt as well.
Just so you know next July 2024 is the Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum as not only the Uniparty will do their political theater making false promises while doing the bidding of their banker, corporate, and satanic overlords. But you need to consider the rituals they would do again.

Yet you have those who fall into the false left/right paradigm lie believing Trump or some other false political savior will save them from the globalists. Voting is not only a suggestion box of slaves, but why vote for those who would rob and rule you better?

While the circus, the distractions, and other theater is going on. Evil flourishes when good men and women do nothing to hold these evil bastards for crimes against humanity. Including those with the means and the connections to rescue the children and the adults from the trafficking and the satanic rituals thereof. But they do nothing due to other excuses and under the guise of "following orders".

BTW, God's children are not for sale. Thoughts and Questions? What about ways to prevent these satanic rituals in the first place such as neutralizing the evil doers and their minions permantely?

This battle is not just about good vs evil, but the battle of the moralists vs the conformists, and the wise vs the fools.

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