RUMI Collection Quotes and Proverbs Inspirational Spiritual , Motivative Free App Download #shorts

1 year ago
RUMI Collection of Quotes and Proverbs
A Free App At The Google Play Store
Daily Rumi Quotes and Proverbs to inspire and motivate. Inspirational and Spiritual.
Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī (Persian: جلال‌الدین محمد رومی), also known as Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī (جلال‌الدین محمد بلخى), Mevlânâ/Mawlānā (Persian: مولانا, lit. 'our master') and Mevlevî/Mawlawī (Persian: مولوی, lit. 'my master'), but more popularly known simply as Rumi (but more popularly known simply as Rumi (30 September 1207 – 17 December 1273), was a 13th-century Persian

Like other mystic and Sufi poets of Persian literature, Rumi's poetry speaks of love which infuses the world. Rumi's teachings also express the tenets summarized in the Quranic verse which Shams-e Tabrizi cited as the essence of prophetic guidance

One of the greatest living authorities on Rûmî in Persia today, Hâdî Hâ'irî, has shown in an unpublished work that some 6,000 verses of the Dîwân and the Mathnawî are practically direct translations of Qur'ânic verses into Persian poetry

According to Professor Majid M. Naini,Dr. Naini is a mesmerizing speaker, acclaimed author & poet, prominent scientist & inventor, peace advocate, & foremost Rumi scholar. "Rumi's life and transformation provide true testimony and proof that people of all religions and backgrounds can live together in peace and harmony. Rumi’s visions, words, and life teach us how to reach inner peace and happiness so we can finally stop the continual stream of hostility and hatred and achieve true global peace and harmony.”

Rumi's work has been translated into many of the world's languages, including Russian, German, Urdu, Turkish, Arabic, Bengali, French, Italian, and Spanish, and is being presented in a growing number of formats, including concerts, workshops, readings, dance performances, and other artistic creations.
The English interpretations of Rumi's poetry by Coleman Barks have sold more than half a million copies worldwide,[92] and Rumi is one of the most widely read poets in the United States. Shahram Shiva book "Rending the Veil: Literal and Poetic Translations of Rumi" (1995, HOHM Press) is the recipient of the Benjamin Franklin Award.
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