The New Little Soul Technology piece to Raise our Frequency Each Day

1 year ago

You ARE a PORTAL of God-Source energy, and now is the time to use this and work out what to do with it!


“It” got personal, 20 years ago when it swallowed-up my children, took them away into space which pretended it was churchly, but which actually did its level best to separate my children from me, their Source connection and their innate, exquisite creativity.

Know what I did?

I launched into making that WRONG a RIGHT: I devoted my entire energy to developing work for children which would bring them proper harmonious contact with their Inner Being, ensuring them access, trust, confidence and love with their CREATIVE SOURCE- God.

It has got personal again.

I KNOW all about the darkness waging its rage against humanity- I have studied and written about healing its ways for decades. But now I am ACTING upon it with all the deliberate tools in my Full Human potential!

And YOU here, reading this, are a part of this!

INSPIRITION: the name I received for my band= to enliven and encourage. Well, that beautiful name is what I shall be doing with you:

sign up below. there is no cost ( of course you can donate to me if you like)

I will be training you ,reminding, inspiring and encouraging you, HOW you can use your CONSCIOUSNESS, your IMAGINATION, your heart, soul and mind, to AFFECT CHAGE in the spiritual realms.
Those are all the realms we cannot touch with our fingertips and pronounce to be ‘real”. They ARE very real.

Change that ENERGY-STUFF, and you trigger WHOLE AVALANCHES of change.
Isabel Aimee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
My post about Planetary change through the IMAGINATION and SOUL-TOOLS? here is the link to join in this work:

Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
Jul 20, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 21, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 22, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 23, 2023 08:00 PM
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Jul 26, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 27, 2023 08:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 9778 2914
Passcode: P0xg9T for my books, course, and music
The VideoChapters :
1.25 What we cannot believe the good things that are actually there. There ARE good things, but our mids are still negatively conditioned.
1.45 What can we do? What does it mean to hold the vision for other people?
Do we have to talk about it, or is it enough just to hold it and know it?
1.55 Using, “The Sound of Freedom “ as an example:

2.15 I want to work on Doubt - either rent he field at large, or personally, so that we begin to accept and believe the GOOD changes which ARE taking place at this Tipping Point.
6.45 We have these doubts within us for past experiences, we exercise our compassion for this state…because we have also always been told “no’ but we can claim our knowing.
7.25 Kari also not loving her body…as part of the same story…and the matrix image of “woman” was NOT TRUE
10.50 We cannot hear our selves because the IMPRINT has overridden us codswallop
12.00 do we look at DOUBT or changing the WORLD PROGRAMME
12.15 Songs suddenly playing in Kari’s head- message for Higher Self
14 frequency output stimuli from sounds being produced in our surroundings
15.20 Kari said she wanted to sing so…Ta dah! there it is! Tuning into eh MUSIC frequency now..
16.30 Why does Kari think happened, ‘my resonance inspired her access’
7.17 Akashic records, Oksana Buchanan chatting with The Architect of the The Matrix, laughing about the past life identities…
18.50 Akashic useful in some way about tendencies but more useful to go into the unique soul structure, constant games played with our minds
19.40 the frequency of electricity will change- ( heard a s sound) it just changed before the session, useful to be aware of the changing field and potential manipulations and remaining clear- and applying this to the doubts, knowing it is simply manipulation we have the chance to make a different decision.
20.33 Is that ACTUALLY me? Or am I obeying a programme
21.35 everyone s still being “signal-jammed” in their thoughts. Their intuition gets broken because the systems are still in the air. So we have to be finding all the systems which exist int he air and nullify it.
22.22 Very little focus available, because the signal keeps getting jammed.
2 We have to follow-through on our INTUITION. Everything I have ever said about education, is that we are not “allowed’ to follow-through o our intuition anymore, everything is highly structured.
23.40 The spontaneous flow of energy- in whatever activity of life, has been taught to us as being value-less, so everyone ignores it. If I change things within my work timetable it can be distressing for some of the adults to move out of the tight structures.
24.40 We need to break the box structure and the denial of the soul guidance- and that’s where the self trust and the doubt comes in.
25 The question is , “How are we going to strengthen our belief and trust in our guidance and intuition?” as we are so used to cutting it off and doing the opposite as per the matrix override programmes.
25.30 We can either take away the ability to cut off our intuition ( not always so good- story of LSD4 problem)
27.50 How Can you keep Source Energy flowing all the time through your body- but we can have it more intense. For example now in this work, I have full flowing source energy moving through me. The question is how are we going to start managing this flow and recognising when we are operating form matrix structure or from our source energy guidance
28.50 Kari believes she needs the disciplinary structure…to be able to turn away form technology.
30 SOurce is everything and contains technology and us, its just about getting technology the right place within that relationship: Source, Us, technology.
30.30 How do you combat it, so that we can listen to the better Source? What makes Kari love to listen to a good thing? Is it Love? A Knowing? a Resonance?
31 We have to work out how to make the good side stronger, so that we can RECOGNISE, catch and notice it. ( Big flux of energy …)
32 We have to power up and amplify OUR transmission every day.
32.30 for example I felt compelled to do another session in the morning. I was motivated to change the systems which still limit our behaviours, choices and actions, we have to change the limiting systems. There is no other thing more important.
We have to strengthen what we are. We are the tipping, changing vortices.
If we make the connection the priority, then we can all bring our important pieces of this story to transform everything and the sooner we do it, the better. It is urgent. Nothing else to be done. And it is a power filled place. Because we have forgotten that we are that valuable and important. We are the pores through which this God Force is entering and clearing out the gunk- and the animals…
36.20 Soul Dream job- hey that earth looks grubby, let’s go and clean it up. Oh its time to take off my disguise now and be me, bright shiny star, and clean up this place.
37 Hard to remember feeling good, but when Karis vibe is up, she honest think of anything she doesn’t like.
38 “Weighting= Waiting” who are we waiting for? US! when be “be us” we are no longer waiting…
39 Choosing “no technology’ is the BIG THING for Kari because it trains us to be non focused, scattered…. then we have a little interruption
41 People keep putting themselves back not the box the the Matrix put them into. We have to defy all of that. We can share, trade, exchange, work together with all the brilliant beautiful human. It can be upsetting when people put themselves back into boxes.
41.45 My whole body feels like EVERYTHING I SAY will come into being:
41.5- I want the new money systems
I want the new agricultural systems
I want the new educational systems
I want to be involved with all of that! And I cannot wait to start!
I want to attach this to the organisations already doing the good work- like Tactical Civics
and I wan to get the worn and the children busy and involved and start it now! :D
( and my body is overwhelmed with FULL ON energy )
42 45 TIME TO START everything which has bene written in my books ( Milo & Teal and From Duty to Joy etc.)

47 Create the Wave that everybody wakes up in the morning with the next five minute available for them to choose -source guidance or not. We ant to strengthen this post awakening current just a little more (massive energy pouring through me)48 Kari says when people wake up n the morning, their favourite song can pop into their head- a download form SPIRIT Do it for the whole planet
49 We ask command demand and presume Source Energy Prime Creator to deliver our whimsical request that every human being wakes up with their favourite song playing in their minds and that is the opportunity for each person to get into alignment with their inner being for the day.
50 Kari: and they choose a “yes’ because they can feel this highest joy, which will give them every abundant thing because they trust it and they will know it because it is encoded int here favourite song of all and Source knows which is their signal, to have more pleasure, it is the way, the path in the new Earth. It is your time now to make the decisions for your best life to do the joyful things which make your heart sing. To thank the mother and the Father and Source for all the goodness and all the protection that you have every single day and that your free to live the life of your dreams, All of this is contained within your favourite song.

Gifted through us to the world as portals to channel Source energy into he entire field Spreading our with the field fo resonance, spreading through the grid we already structured, popping over to everyone on the frequent gradient. SO that everyone has access to this new little piece of technology from the soul
-from Kari, ‘and it happens every day of the rest of their lives because it is a part of their identity.’
And We can continue to add new little pieces of soul technology to strengthen this….scents, crystals
Our night stands should have lovely things on it so we go to sleep with its influence: have nothing in your house which you believe to be beautiful and know to be useful. William Morris
Flowers, crystals, scents, hi-vibing books..
57 the true higher vibrational earth is coming closer. Every day the songs play in each persons’ mind checks the frequency of the radiation in the air. We have to do this with everything!
58 Use our books to help raise our frequency…take step for step…

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