Passport Bros. Are Losers In Their Home Countries? - MGTOW

1 year ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discus a video that's today's not so mystery link called: Men That Visit Thailand Are Losers In Their Home Countries from a YouTube channel that interviewed a woman named Natalija Kica. She's living in Thailand and has been dating western men there. But in the video I linked below she says there are three types of western men in Thailand. Those that are financially unsuccessful, those that have mental health issues and those that are there to have a good time with the local women but are married back in their home countries. My question to her is why is she dating western men in Phuket Thailand if that's all she's finding there. Does it not sound to you that she's shaming western men for going there? Maybe she wants to shame the bad men away so the good men are easier to identify? I don't know but she says it's a tragedy for western women to try meeting men in Phuket, Thailand. She calls these men LBH short for losers back home. Natalija also says that she knew an Australian men with great wealth that joined a Thai dating site and back in Australia he couldn't find a girlfriend and in Thailand he's been able to get seven women in one day. So he's an incel back home but Thailand the women are ready to bone. She says other guys have weight issues, mental health problems like anxiety or childhood trauma. Sure the guys that are overweight can lose the weight but the thing is men that have been emotionally abused and have anxiety and childhood trauma those things don't just disapear even with tons of therapy, I should know because I had a terrible childhood from the bullying perspective and suffer from anxiety. So I know it's not their fault. So why call these men losers? But these passport bro mentally ill brokies are managing to find love. Natalija says these men have so many options with women that they wait one hour before the date to confirm and if they find someone better in the meantime they contact their date and tell them sorry I can't make it. Oftentimes they have 5 on the go at the same time. Here we have sexually starving man at a sex buffet and that's a far cry from such guys in the west waiting months or years for a single date. Meanwhile Natalija is the one that's only getting 2 or 3 dates in a year and a half and she says they were all shit. Her experience sounds very similar to what a borderline acceptable man in the west going on dates would be going through. She says she's going to meet the man she's looking for one day. She looks like shes somewhere in her mid thirties or early forty and says she can compete with Thai women. For western men Thai women are better because they are easier to deal with and are not going to challenge you or be more successful financially or with regards to career. She tells western men that if they want western women they have to up their game with western women and make more money than them. Ah yes she's proving that hypergamy is a real thing. But we all know that's impossible on civilization wide scale considering that 65% of students in college are women getting degrees. So fertility rates will keep on crashing. For many western men their only hope of reproducing is going to a third world country there they they are not seen as third rate men but women are willing to trade their bodies and fertility for cash and prizes. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Ring:

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