Louie The Dalmatian Meets A Real Life Pokemon

8 years ago

While the world was out, acting all crazy over those digital Pokemon, one gentle dog actually had the chance to meet a real one while out hiking! Louie the Dalmatian was out walking with his owner, when when they came across a Weedle, also known as a Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar.

These interspecies encounters can be very interesting to witness. The huge dog - compared to the caterpillar, of course - could have squashed the bug and moved on with his day, but instead Louie recognized the fragile creature and stood close to get to know it better! If it were a human, they would probably even burn the weird looking creature out of fear of it being some sort of brain-eating alien or something! It really shows how animals have a different sense for each other.

One might say that the dog doesn’t even look too impressed with the Weedle. He just lay there right next to it, sniffed it once and moved on with his day. He may not be interested in investigating the bug further, or he just may be full of respect for the form of life.

In case you were wondering, the caterpillar is safe! Louie’s owner made sure that the unusual critter got away safely from the road.

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