Basics of FE Celestial Navigation. ( read description )

1 year ago

Realize the Globe comedy has taken the observer from his 90 degrees to the zenith of his "arc of horizon" to the center of their spinning ball, notice that the calculations will end up the same way, funny that. We must understand fact from fiction. The S curve within the Central vortex of creation is of two parts. One half represents the northern hemisphere while the other half represents the southern hemisphere. Basically two half cycles due to their other half being the daylight side. So overall the stars do a 360 degree cycle over 24 hours. This gives these globies the perception of a ball earth. The problem they have though is the division between the two separate hemispheres, the two separate star rotations, lol.
I will explain the S curve more in a follow-up video.
I hope to link a globies celestial navigation video that I found easy to convert to the once-understood FE system I show here.
These funded Globe pushers think they are clever when they give FErs celestial navigation challenges which are based on the now computerized system, they now have for their globe. These idiots give you a reversed method from their computerized system, which cannot be achieved without the computer. The ancients never sailed the seas based on reverse-engineered star motions of the future, hahahaha. Globies, what a simple bunch.

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