The left are using fascist techniques to silence people as the USSR and German socialists did.

1 year ago

The left are using fascist techniques to silence people as the USSR and German socialists did.

It is interesting to see youtube sites such as Led By Donkeys and Shaun_vids where rather than debate the points people make, what you do is suggest they have Neo-Nazis connections.

This is done because often these left wing people cannot for some reason debate and put a counter argument, but instead have opted to use a clear fascist technique into silencing those you disagree with.

The idea is that rather than debate and believe people have the right to free speech, you opt instead of a fascist belief in silencing others.

So you invent or create Neo-Nazis connections and make a film informing us these people are bad. And because they are then viewed as bad, one must not take notice of any of there views. In the hope this is a warning. At the same time warning others that should you dare hold such views you too will be a target of abuse.

The irony being that those who make claims others are Neo-Nazis are themselves acting on the German socialists beliefs, such as censorship, and trying to shut other views down, and believing only there views matter or relevant.

My personal belief is everyone should have free speech and it does not matter what political view they have or what party they support. Indeed I will defend your right to speak, even if what you say I do not agree with.

The rise in fascism seems now to be from those on the left, who believe in censorship, who see freedom of speech as evil, who believe only a few should have rights. Indeed those who do not comply, are often a target of pure hate by these left wing people, who claim to be kind yet, will post insults. They target your work trying to get you the sack. They target venues to stop comedians performing who they do not like, and other comedians rather than defend fellow artists will join in the hate hoping they are not next on the list.

Indeed many on the left will post peoples home addresses and family addresses hoping someone will kill the person.

It is clear the motive of these left wing people is to force with the use of fear, to silence people.

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