How the HECK Do You Solve This Puzzle!? - Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos (Multiplayer)

1 year ago

Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos w/ Todoh, Crafter, Silent Companion and New Adventurer from Team CSTN. No seriously, that room cost us a go at the dungeon boss. HELP US!


Greetings rogues! It turns out the team loves this game so much that we just had to get back to it as soon as we could. Sile herself said that if it weren't for these streams, she'd just as soon ditch us all and play the game herself. There's a great deal that we've yet to experience fully in the game, like the farming for instance. But as you've no doubt noticed by now, the foremost thing on MY mind is this bogus final button puzzle we've encountered during our latest dungeon run at Welestar. As shown in the thumbnail, all we're given is a selection of buttons to press and a locked door. The only reason we managed to get to the boss in the run before that one is because this particular room wasn't in that one. Now if anyone out there can solve this puzzle for us, we'll, I don't know, grant you a wish or something. But for the rest of you, I hope you enjoy the stream and have a great rest of your day. Later guys!

- Todoh


Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.

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