CCP official: We are going to crack down on “rumors'' on social media

1 year ago

7/21/2023 On July 21, Li Tong, Deputy Head of the Cyber Security Protection Bureau of the CCP’s Ministry of Public Security, stated that they would crack down on “rumor-mongering” by social media influencers in Communist China. Does that mean the CCP is going to make another attempt to jail the Chinese people who dare to tell the truth?
#CCP #censorship #socialmedia #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/21/2023 中共公安部网络安全保卫局副局长李彤21日称要打击中共国自媒体“造谣”。这意味着中共又要抓讲真话的中国人吗?
#中共 #言论审查 #自媒体 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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