B F - Friday Update Q&A - 14th July 2023

1 year ago

"The big NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last week marked the real end of World War II and the final defeat of the Nazis, according to British MI6, Russian FSB and Mossad sources. This means the Khazarian Mafia, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, have been defeated in their plan to kill 90% of humanity.

However, the KM faction that wants to turn this planet into a giant animal farm ruled by “a good shepherd,” remains to be defeated. As the saying goes, the sheep spends his life in fear of the wolf but it is the shepherd who kills him. This means that while the genocide has been called off, the battle against digital slavery continues. . . . "

Source: https://benjaminfulford.net/2023/07/17/133926/

Channel Comment: There are Some pieces of the puzzle that Ben seems completely unaware of. Valuable other info source though; for people who see some things that Ben may not see. Ben seems to not see Re-Public/CitizenShip/Vatican/Rome/FreeDOM to SRA; as the central core problem that it in fact is. 'AMERICA', the harlot, 'her', the new Baal/Rome. Founded by B.A.R. and by War . "Re-PUBLIC" is what THEY Want you to Want. 300yr old Problem-Reaction-Solution. To; Stop ye wanting a Commonwealth. Thorny Imperial Crown.

Stop wondering what is different about Australia. Stop wondering what they try to Hide. Stop wondering why ye get hammered so hard, as 'Citizens'.

Stop pretending 'GovCo' have more Authority than The People have.

Stop dishonouring our ANZAC

Australia Day is this Friday. LEST Ye Forget! <3

Australian Federal Red Ensign: https://customflagsaustralia.com.au/product-category/1901-federal-land-flag/
Patriot Stickers https://www.morleysignworks.com.au/commonwealth-collection
Aus Patriot Shirts https://shop.stevenspiers.com/products/advance-australia-childrens-classic

The Truth: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0CZoVmFTfCMy/
More Truth: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8djveMYxFtYC/
Another way: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bS7shaJWXg0H/
SC(Australia) Ruling: https://jade.io/article/825524
Common Law: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/TheAnnotatedConstitution-1900imp-RedCover:0
ANZAC Exists Without 'New King': https://constitutionwatch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Romani-v-State-of-New-South-Wales-NSW-Caselaw.pdf
Bill Of Rights: http://www.stevenspiers.com/pdf/billrights.pdf
Hague IV 'treaty': https://info.dfat.gov.au/Info/Treaties/Treaties.nsf/AllDocIDs/87956593F7B0A195CA256C950018C10E
2013 PGPA Act Sect.10-11: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00269
Declaration (UN) re. Teaching of History: https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1939/3.html

Local GovCo Action: https://ourtrueaustralia.com/
Contribute; Record Your Commonwealth Township Foundations or Create Trading Posts: https://discord.gg/aXWdqgRY4v

One People One Destiny <3

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